” College is starting in a week’s time. I’m tired of staying at home without having something to do.”
” Wow. That’s epic.” Leslie scowl.
“Do you have male customers ?” Mom asks and that bothers me.
” We do.” I reply looking at both my parents.
“Have you gotten a boyfriend yet ? A customer boyfriend ? It seems you’re always good at getting guys to look at you.” Mom snorts.
“I bet she throws herself at them.” That was Leslie.
I sigh and look down on my food. She’s always good at making me feel inferior.
” I hope that’s not true. Cause it’s gonna be dead bad for you. The fact that you’re out of nun school doesn’t mean you can mess around.
We forgive you about that club nonsense and that’s the reason we allowed you to get a job. You should always try and be like your sister.” Dad scold. My eyes meet Leslie’s. she wink and smirk.
Why would I wanna be like her?
Always faking everything in front of my parents. It’s really weird my parents don’t see that.
My eyes scan her newly made manicured nails , so my parents didn’t say a word. They’ve always hated things like that.
” Sure Dad.” I reply in order to end their conversation. I ate in silence hoping they won’t talk more about me.
They talked about their new church friend Janell and I couldn’t wait to get out of here. I finished my pancakes and bacon and stood up from their gathering.
After washing the plates, i return to my room. I remembered Gray’s word , i really don’t wanna call him . Same time he’s not joking.
Knocking on my door and telling my parents he’s my boyfriend will ruin my life , including college. I hated that I had to meet him in the first place.
I shove out my damaged phone and removed the Sim card and place it inside Gray’s phone that I really didn’t want. I switched it on and wait impatiently.
I don’t know why I’m doing this but I click on his name that he actually saved in my phone and dialed his number. I stand up from my bed and stand in front of my mirror. My reflection is always the same , never changing.
” Hey..” I said on the phone making sure I wasn’t heard.
” Are you this scared ?” I roll my eyes and locked my door.
” What do you mean ?”
” You called.” I sigh and run my fingers on my loose hair.
” I really don’t have a choice.”
” And why’s that ?”
” You’re kidding me right now. You threatened me , that you were gonna knock on my parents door and tell them you’re my boyfriend.”
” That wasn’t a threat though.” I sigh and sit on my bed.
” I know, that was why i called. You’re worse than trouble itself. I could barely fathom what you want from me.”
He was quiet for seconds.
” What I want from you ?”
” Yeah. Look Gray I’m not really your type of girl. I’m this naive Christian like you called me. You’re super different from me. So what do you really want ?”
Another second of quietness.
” Gray..” I call out.
He chuckle.” So what makes you think I want something from you ?”
” You’re always coming.”
” Really ? You want me.”
” Of course I don’t.” I sigh and run my fingers down my hair again.
” Yeah ? And why are you always nervous around me ?”
” Cause I don’t know you.” I said half the truth.
” You don’t have to know me. You’re definitely gonna run away from me.” Run away.
I sigh and stay quiet.
” What do you want from me , Gray ?”
“What do you think I want from you ?”
” Sex.” And that came out unexpected.
There was silence till I heard Gray chuckle on the phone. I roll my eyes and it’s weird I smiled.
“Is that what you want ?”
” What ? No. Jesus.”
” I can get sex from any random girl. I don’t like naive church girls.” And I hate to be referred to as naive.
“That’s not even an answer.”
“I’m picking you up tomorrow.”
” Gray , don’t.”
” Go out on a dinner date with me.”
” I can’t. I’m working and I can’t stay out late.”
” I’ll come pick you up by five , you don’t really have to say no. Get ready tomorrow.” With that said , he hang up. For crying out loud , I am the one who should hang up cause I called.
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