A knock startles me. I turn around and a lady greeted me. Probably that stranger’s maid.
” You’re awake. You need to shower and wear this before eating breakfast.” What ? This is not even my dress and not my house. It’s 10: am and I’m not at home yet.
” Um.. where’s my dress ?”
” Master Carter ask me to get rid of it.”
” Carter ?”
” That’s his last name.”
” What’s his name ?” I ask forgetting the fact this master Carter just get rid of my dress.
” Gray.”
” Thanks.” She drop the black lace dress on the bed and turn to leave
“There’s a pill inside that drawer and it will help with your hangover.” She smiles and shut the door.
I glance at the dress and it’s far better than Alexa’s choice of clothing. It has sleeves not like last night’s dress with a brassiere’s strap.
I enter the bathroom and it’s huge compared to mine. Without being told , he’s rich. I scrub my body with the body wash and let the warm water rinse my self. I dried my skin and get dressed.
Thank God my underwear is still intact. I put on the dress and carried my bag walking out of this room. I have a lot of explaining to do once I get home. I know I’ll be grounded that’s for sure .
I climb down the spiral staircase and step on the last one. The view was amazing. The walls are originally made of translucent glass and you could see the large swimming pool outside. I stare at every piece of furniture and I knew this isn’t just a dime.
My eyes land on Gray’s shirtless self smoking. Is he aware of lung cancer , maybe he’s not really scared of death.
” Gray.” I call out. His shoulders were tensed when I called out his name. He exhale the smoke out of his nostrils before turning to look at me.
He raise his brows at me indicating what ? What type of man is this ?
” I’m leaving.”
” I noticed. You’re not eating ?”
” I’m fine. Thanks.” I reply standing like an image in front of him.
” You’re weird.” I find myself telling him.
” How ? Because I didn’t nag you about staying behind and eating something before leaving. I’m too grown for such shitty attitude.” He smirk and stick his cigarette back in his mouth.
” What did you do to my dress ?” I ask feeling really uncomfortable inhaling his smoke. I’m feeling sick.
” Got rid of it. Don’t ever dress like that. You look like a slut.” I gulp. Why does he care about how I look ? Look at his house and cars , it’s obvious the type of ladies he would like are slutty models with expensive hair extensions and wigs.
” Thanks.” I sigh and turn to leave.
I walk out of his building and noticed two guys on suits stood outside with their cold stares. I quickly look away and hurry out of this millions called a house.
The cab ride was terrible cause I was thinking on what to tell Mom and yes dad. I step on our front porch and twist the doorknob. Here begins my headache . I didn’t even take my medications last night.
” Where are you coming from ? Your boyfriend right ?” Mom ask standing few feets from me with her arms tightly crossed.
” Is she back ? That rebel called a daughter.” I heard dad’s voice from the kitchen. Leslie looks at me and I really don’t know what to say.
” I .”
” Go on. Start lying.”
What am I supposed to say. I went to party with Leslie and Alexa and I followed someone home because I was drunk. They will definitely call me a whore.
” I went out with…” I point to Leslie who widen her eyes at me.
” Leslie ?” Dad ask shooting daggers at me. I gulp and fiddle both my fingers.
” Did she spend the night in a man’s house ?”
” It’s not what you think. I got lost cause I couldn’t find Alexa and Leslie.
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