I saw someone who decides to give me a lift but I don’t know the address.” I said almost half the truth. I can’t say I was drunk. I’m gonna be dead.

” You got lost ?” Mom asked walking slowly to where I’m standing. I’ve not left the door post since i walked in.

” I’m telling the truth.”
” What truth ? Leslie went down the street to meet some church friends , she returned last night at 9:pm.” What ? I look at the direction of Leslie but she couldn’t meet my eyes cause of guilt. How could she do that ?

” Ariel, where are you coming from ?”
” I’m telling the truth.”
” You didn’t went to party with your sister.

You went to visit your boyfriend again to have sex. What type of daughter are you ? Your bad luck is the reason we’re here.

You brought same bad luck to New York by sleeping around again. Ariel don’t you wanna go to college ?” Mom question as my eyes start to water.
I keep on looking at Leslie but she’s avoiding my eyes.

” Oh my God , Ariel.” Alexa called walking into the living room. She shut the front door and stare at confused me.

” What’s happening ?”
” Ariel is just coming back. She said you took her out.”
” Yeah , we went to church.”

” And she’s just coming back from church ?” Dad glared at Alexa.
Alexa sigh and cross her arm.
“Fine. I ask them to party with me.” Alexa says.

“Them ?”
” Yes. Arie and Les. They’ve been staying indoors and a friend is throwing a party down town. My boyfriend showed up and I left with him to a corner.

Leslie left too but I really don’t know who she tagged along with. Ariel was drunk and lost , I couldn’t find her either since I was drunk too.”

” And she woke up in a man’s bed , right Ariel ?”
” No .. I mean yes. He gave me a ride cause i was stranded and…”
“..Drunk.” mom cuts me short.

” Alexa are you trying to corrupt my daughters ? Is that the reason you choose to stay the weekend. To take them to parties and make them drunk.”

” It’s not what you think..” Alexa mumble.
” Really ? That you have boyfriends and you’re not even a virgin. What are we supposed to think.

You don’t have the fear of God and you run after men , you choose to take Leslie with you. I don’t even care about Ariel , she’s already useless.” Mom yell.

I sniffle silently to hold back the tears.
” Fuck me, I’m just gonna leave.” Alexa scoff and turn to climb upstairs.

” Mind your language , Alex.”
Alexa snorts all the way to get her bags.

” Ariel , you’re grounded. You’re staying in your room till you decide to cultivate a little form of dignity and discipline.

You won’t eat anything for the rest three days. Get out of my presence.” Dad yell.

” Daddy.”
” Get out.” I flinch and run upstairs.

I meet Alexa in our hallway with her bag. She smiles at me and hug me.
” I’m sorry about Leslie , she’s such a dildo.” Alexa says and kiss my cheek.

” You can keep this. I overheard your mom telling mine she stopped your therapy. I’m sorry about that.” I open my hands and it’s a bundle of money.

” You can eat with that. Once we resume college we are gonna hang out more often and you’ll tell me about that hot stranger I saw you with at the club. I didn’t get to meet him.” I roll my eyes and thank her.

” I’m sorry about my parents.”
” It’s fine. It runs in the family. My mom’s like that sometimes. Becareful.” She walk past me and climb down the stairs.


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