I groan helplessly and scrub my scalp rather too aggressive to wash away the eggs . This is frustrating. I shampoo my hair to get rid of the eggs under the shower. God remind me next time not to play this type of game with Kennedy. Gray steps under the shower with me and I least expect that. I mean there are two shower faucets in the bathroom.
He scrunch his face and scrubs his hair. Kennedy broke an egg on his head. So gross.
” She’s so crazy…” He mutters scrubbing hard on his scalp.
I roll my eyes and turn around to back him as I wash my hair.
” Lemme help you with that.” He says behind me.
My body tense with Gray standing behind me. He massages my scalp as the water rinse our body .
” Why didn’t you tell me Sarai was holding a flash drive yesterday when she entered my office ?” He asks. I bite my lip and sigh.
” I’m sorry. I just don’t wanna complicate things between you and your worker.”
” How did you find out ?” I ask.
” She forgot to cancel whatever thing she wanted to do.”
” And what’s that ?”
He chuckles.” Personal details of an important client of mine.” He answers.
” Why would she want that ?”
” That’s for me to handle.” He replies. I roll my eyes and run my fingers through my hair.
” So what are you gonna do to her ?”
” Pretend like I don’t know about her dirty game. I hate moles.” Who doesn’t hate them ? They are the worst set of people ever.
” And you’re gonna kill her afterwards ?” I ask and look at him above my shoulders.
He smirks and kiss my temple instead. That’s his own answer. What a jerk.
” Do you ever think Damon would come back ?” I ask Gray. I turn to look at him and rub my palm down my arms to rinse my skin.
” Maybe.”
” What if he comes back ?” I ask. His grey orbs are glue to mine and his lips slightly parted.
He runs his fingers down my hair and wrap his free hand around my waist.
” If he comes back , that’s a good news for Kennedy then.”
” What about you ? Don’t you miss him ?” I trail my fingers down his sculpted chest and along his torso.
He sighs and gently cup my cheek rubbing his thumb pad slowly on my cheek.
” I do miss him. He’s my brother so it’s my responsibility to miss him.” He says.
I keep quiet as we stare at each other. Yeah , he’s making me hot in every places in my body and I want him again. He smiles and pull my nude self to his skin to taste my lips. My eyes flutter shut on their own as I welcome his heavenly lips. His left hand stay around my waist and grip gently to my ass while the other cup my cheek to kiss him. My tongue move against his as our lips savor each other.
My hands loop around his neck with our lips in motion. I moan into his mouth as goosebumps takes over my skin. He leans me against the cold wall with her lips still engaged. I tug on his hair and kiss him desperately. The kiss move from gentle to desperate and my legs are already wrapped around his waist.
” Fuck , Tinkerbell…” He breathes out once we break from the kiss.” If we don’t stop , I’m gonna take you right here.” He smirks still holding to my form.
” I don’t mind.” I smirk and bite my bottom lip seductively.
” Are you on the pills already ?”
” Started taking those yesterday.” I voice out and trail my fingers on his jawline.
” Then you’re ready for me..” he says and take charge of my lips again.
” Mom , what now ?” Gray rambles on the phone fondling with my hair. He’s been trying to braid my hair to pigtails like forever.
I sit on his bed with his Calvin Klein briefs and t-shirt as Gray continues his terrible attempt on braids. His mom called him and he wasn’t that pleased. He avoided her calls and I had to scold him to take the calls.
” Gray you’re such a dick. You don’t call , you don’t text. You don’t even care about anyone. All you care about is your stupid business. What type of son are you ?” Her voice yells through the speaker phone. Now I know where Gray got his usual curse words from. It runs in the blood.
I chuckle and roll my eyes.
” Look ma, I’ve been busy.” Gray defends himself , huffing non-stop.
” Busy with what exactly ? You can’t even get a good girl.”
” Is that why you called ?” He whines and I’m sure he’s clenching his jaw right now. Dude’s infuriated by his ma.
” Not really. My birthday is at the corner. And I’m sure you’ve forgotten about it. You don’t even know my birthday date. Most times I think you don’t even remember my name.”
” Mia. Seriously , mom, I didn’t forget your birthday.”
” What’s the date ?”
” Mom it’s two months from now and on the 17 to be precise. What exactly are you whining about ? Your birthday presents , I’m gonna get you your favorite jewel as usual.” He says and mutters fuck under his breath.
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