” I need to take a bath.” I say not bothering to get off of him.
” You need company ?” He asks and look down at my face with his seductive smirk.
” Thank you , Mr Carter. I’ll be quick.” I get off the bed and braid my hair to a ponytail.
” I am looking forward to going back to my apartment. I’m literally your roommate now.”
” So what’s wrong with that ? You have a hot roommate , what more do you want ?” He smirks and raise his brows.
I roll my eyes and chuckle. I ignore his taunting smirk and go to the bathroom. I stare at the mirror with my reflection staring back at me.
Nothing makes any sense. Who sent me that text ? Alexa ? Why would she do that to set me up with Vladimir.
That’s so absurd. I get undressed and step on the shower. The warm water rinse my skin as it soothes it.
It’s Sunday morning and I planned not to skip church. I quickly make breakfast as Kennedy walks in. She looks so funny and it’s obvious she just woke up.
” Are you okay ?” I ask her. She shakes her head and rub her eyes.
” Gray sedated me. I’m giving him pay back ?”
I laugh.” He said you wanted to watch a movie. Afterwards you decided to see me.”
” So what’s wrong with that ? Who sedates a seven year old ? Gray’s just annoying sometimes.”
” Yeah , sorry about that. When are you leaving ?”
” Meghan will be here maybe in the afternoon.”
” Meghan ?”
” Yeah. My mom’s always busy. She runs her own cosmetic company and she’s never available. It’s so annoying.” She sighs and open the fridge to take out her orange juice.
” I’m really sorry about that. I made chicken nuggets and bread sticks. I need to attend church today.”
” So you go to church ?” She raises her brows and sits her glass of half consumed juice on the counter.
I chuckle and flick her nose.” I’m a Christian , so yes I go to church.”
” Hmm..” she grins.
” Maybe you should take Gray along. My mom is a confused person. She literally doesn’t belong to any religion.” She shrugs and I push her breakfast to her.
I chuckle and smile.” She’s a super model. She’s probably busy and Gray. Damn , he’s always busy too. I should go take my bath.”
She nods and smile at me. I rush out of the kitchen and bumped into someone. Does it have to be Reid ? I walk past him and he doesn’t look bothered. I heard him chattering with Kennedy and she burst into laughter. I roll my eyes and climb up the stairs. My phone rings inside the sweatpants I’m wearing. I pull it out and press the answer icon. It’s Piper.
” Um , Ariel.” She sounds nervous on the phone.
” Yeah ? Are you okay ?” I ask and opens the door to Gray’s bedroom.
” I’m fine. It’s Alexa.”
” Oh my God. What happened to her ? Where’s she ? Have you find her ?” I shut the door as Gray turns to look at me.
” She’s in the hospital.” Piper replies.
” Hospital ? Woah. What happened ?”
She sighs on the phone. ” She got shot. Someone dropped her body on her doorstep and the frat guys saw her. She’s in the hospital and we are not sure she’s gonna survive. She’s in coma and barely breathing.”
My breath got chocked on my throat and I barely could speak.
” Babe , are you okay ?” Gray asks getting up from his bed.
” Vladimir….”
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