Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 121 – 130


Daniel nods and go back to work. Gray grabs my arm and walk me out of the club. We step out to the dark night as Gray opens the passenger door for me to get in. I slide in and he shuts the door. He turns around and enter the driver’s seat. The drive was terrible cause none of us decide to start a conversation.

” You’re okay ?” He breaks the silence.

” Yeah. Who was that ?”

” Who ? Cage ?”

” Yeah , Cage. He said he’s been looking for me. He had to use the crazy line you used today. What’s up with him ?”

” Just some random person.”

” You’re always lying.” I mutter and look out the window.

” I’m always lying ? Oh really ? Fuck.”

” Then tell me who he was. Why did he act like that towards me. Like he wanted me.”

” Everyone wants you Ariel.”

” Why ?” I yell.

” Why ?” He yells back.” Oh you want me to tell you ? Fine I’ll tell you.” He yells even louder than usual. I flinch and move back to hit my side against the door.

” You make me mad sometimes.” He says calmly and turn to look at me. He sighs and look back at the road.

” I’m sorry that I yelled at you.” That wasn’t even an answer to what i needed. Why was Cage so weird.

” He’s a dick like Vladimir.”

” And you did business with him too ? Outsmart him and took what belongs to him as well ?”

He chuckles and look at me. He smirks and bites his bottom lip.

” That’s bad. You must have hurt a lot of people.” I mutter.

” You basically don’t trust me , do you ?”

” You know you’re being…. I don’t know what to call it. If I don’t trust you then, I don’t see reasons on why I’m in a relationship with you. I trust you Gray.”

” Then why did you just assume that i overshadowed Cage too. What happened between me and Vladimir is not what you think. I wanted that Chinese affiliation. But then it wasn’t possible because they weren’t searching. Vladimir went behind my back and took it . I can’t just sit back and let him keep it. I took what’s mine.”

” Now look at us. Vladimir won’t stop till he hurts me. Now Cage.”

” Cage shouldn’t bother you including Vladimir. As long as you stay in my house nothing’s gonna happen to you.”

” So what happens once i step out of your house ? They are gonna come after me as usual.” I scoff .

Gray place his right hand on my thighs and squeeze it gently.

” You know I won’t let no one hurt you right ?” I doubt that sometimes.

” That doesn’t matter Gray. Your enemies are too much.”

” You don’t have to freak out because of that. They want what I have. Something they couldn’t work for.”

” And what’s that ?”

He sighs , clearly bored of the conversation.

” Ariel, I don’t want you to hate me. I’ve done a lot of bad things with bad people and sincerely I don’t want you to get involved with it. I care about you too much to let anything happen to you.” He says and briefly glance at the rearview mirror.

” What type of bad things Gray ?”

” Can you drive ?” He asks at once.

” Uh…”

He glances back at the rearview mirror again and open his compartment to bring out a gun. God no , not again. I mentally freeze and look behind me. There’s a car on our tail and it’s almost close to ours. Why can’t they just give up !

” Drive , Tinkerbell.” He says and shove out another gun from his jacket. So when am I supposed to get used to this ?

He lets go of the steering wheel and motion for us to swap seats. Now I’m freaking out. He push his seat back and lift me off my seat for me to take over the wheel. In less than few seconds we swap seats and I’m driving.

” Why are they always after us ? When is this ever going to end ?” I yell. My hands tremble against the wheel and I’m already whimpering. It’s obvious if I continue this game with Gray then maybe I’ll come out dead.

God , why can’t I hate him already ?


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