Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 131 – 140


I blink and nod. How did she know that ?

” Boom ! I knew it. She can never be a good girlfriend. I might be a b***h but trust me , sweetie , Leslie is a big b***h. What happened ?”

I sigh and cross my legs.” I think she aborted it after Reid threatened her to get rid of it.”

” She what !”

” Alexa , yes , she aborted it. Today at my parents house , she told my parents I got pregnant for Gray Carter and Gray threatened me to get rid of it and I did.”

” What the f**k ! Okay breathe Alexa.” Alexa mutters to herself.” f**k ! I’m gonna murder Leslie and give her body to her parents for bringing up a child like that.” Alexa yell.

Leslie walks in with Hazel chattering amongst themselves.

” Don’t stop me.” Alexa whispers to me. She stands up and walk to Leslie and a punch follows.

” f**k..” Leslie mutters holding her already bleeding nose.

” b***h , get out.” Alexa says to Hazel.

” f**k , b***h , i ain’t leaving.”

” Yeah, you’re leaving. You stupid best friend of this slut.” I say and open the door to the living room and push her out.

” What the f**k is all of this ?” Leslie spits out with blood dripping out of her nose.

Alexa grabs her hair and drag her to the couch.

” f**k , Alexa , are you f**kin crazy ?” Leslie yells. Alexa push Leslie on the couch and sit next to her while i sit on the other side so Leslie is in between us.

” Leslie, why would you do that ?” Alexa asks calmly.” I mean , I understand the fact that you’re envious of Ariel and you don’t have a Ferrari. You don’t even have a Lexus or a Mercedes and you’re jealous of her , we get it. We are sorry you’re tied up with college boys and you can’t get a good guy to look at you….” Heaven’s sake, Alexa , get to the point.

” Why did you lie to your parents that Ariel was pregnant for Gray and she aborted it when it’s obvious Reid f**ked you wrong and deposited his bad seed in you. You know you’re the one who got pregnant and you aborted it , why did you lie ?” Alexa asks.

Leslie wipes her nose.” You’re f**kin crazy , b***h.”

Alexa punch her again. She hisses in pain and grunts. ” When are you ever gonna learn your lessons ? When are you going to stop this jealous attitude of yours? Why did you lie ?”

” Maybe because she deserves to get hurt again. Look I’m not sorry that I lied to our parents okay. I just wanted to have fun.” She smirks.

” Have enough fun already ?” I ask.

” Not enough.” She grimaces. Alexa raises her hand to punch Leslie again but I stop her.

” Don’t worry Alexa. Let her be.” I chuckle.” Just an advise , if you want a Ferrari , why don’t you try the strip club again, whore.”

” Did you just call me a whore ?” Leslie asks and stands up.

” f**k yeah, b***h, you know you’re whore. A f**kin prostitute who got pregnant for Reid. f**k Leslie.” Alexa says and grins at Alexa.

” Alexa , you act like you’re f**kin better than me.” Leslie protests.

” Of course i am better than your cheap ass. I’m not a jealous psychopath like you. You need a therapist Leslie , cause you are f**ked up in the head. Why can’t you let go and understand the ugly truth that you can’t be like Ariel no matter how hard you try. Face it Les, you’re a looser.”

Leslie aggressively bites her lip. Her nose flare in rage. She shuts her eyes and opens them. She smile like an Insane person and leaves.

” I’m really sorry about that.” Alexa says and turn to face me.

” It’s okay. I don’t really care about my parents. I have you , Piper , Brandon and Gray, including Kennedy and Lucifer.”

” f**k , talking about Lucifer.” She drawls and stretch her feet on the coffee table.

” Still seeing each other ?”

” I don’t see men for a whole month. I get bored.” She winks and starts eating her twizzlers.

” I never knew you liked twizzlers.”

” I got a soft spot for this candy. Go change over and get back here while I beat you up in Xbox.”

I chuckle and stand up to go to my room. I change into my pajamas bottom and a t-shirt and return to the living room. I play Xbox with Alexa till we both got tired. We watch a movie with popcorns on our laps. Leslie isn’t out from her room since that interrogation with Alexa. My parents filled my phone with missed calls and I didn’t get one from Gray. The doorbell rings. Alexa and I turn to look at ourselves waiting for who to get the door. I chuckle at Alexa who’s already faking illness because she’s lazy. I get off the couch and open the door.


My heartbeat is rapid again at just his sight. He smirks and looks above my head to look inside the house.

” You missed me, didn’t you ?” He asks and shove his hands out of his jacket pocket.

” I’m sorry.” He says when I didn’t reply him.

” You’re sorry? You made me wait for you alnight and you couldn’t call.”

” I was at Chicago last night. I got busy and i couldn’t make it home. Forgive me yet ?”

I shake my head and turn to leave. He pulls me back by my elbow. I turn around and flatten my hands on his chest.


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