Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 131 – 140


I shut the door and fling my bag on the couch. I crouch next to it and turn the TV on hoping to see something useful on TV.

” Tinkerbell.” I hear that all too familiar voice.

He sits next to me on the couch and kisses my temple.

” Gray, I skipped work today. ”

” I know. Nick told me.” He says, barely audible as kisses my hair again.

” Alexa is sorta of missing. We visited the hospital and she’s not there except for the dead body of a Russian man whom I believe Vladimir must have sent him. Why’s this happening Gray ? Will this ever end ?”

” Come here.” He coo’s and bring me to sit on his lap.

” I don’t want you to worry okay. She will be fine. I already send Carl and Nick to check out what happened. Vladimir is out of the country. I wanted to give him a single message and the b***h is no where to be found. And about your internship , I’ll take care of that. Theo won’t say a word , i promise you.” I sigh and nod.

” Happy now ?” He asks and caress my hips. I chuckle and shake my head sideways.

” What if they come after me ?”

” Then they have to come through me first. I won’t hold back in hurting Vladimir this time.”

” Thanks , Jamal.”

” Don’t call me that.” He whispers and spank my hips. I giggle and thread my fingers through his hair. I raise my head to look at his face and his eyes.

” You’re supposed to be at work today.”

” I left afterwards. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He whispers and kisses my cheek.

” How was class ?”

” Great.” I sigh and rest my head on his shoulders.

” How’s Kennedy ?”

” I think she’ll be fine.”

” You think ? Gray , you’re her uncle. It’s your responsibility to know if she’s fine.”

” God i know. I have a lot of things to handle lately.”

” Killing people ?” I ask and sit up properly to look into his eyes.

” Part of it.”

” Must you kill people ?” I ask and try to get off his lap. His hands grabs my waist and pulls me down.

” You should know me better by now. It’s part of my job.”

I roll my eyes and trail my fingers down his chest. His bullet wound is already healed and the stiitches is also healed a bit leaving behind a pink scar that’s fading gradually.

” Are you hungry ? Should I order MacDonald’s ?” He asks.

” Okay.” I kiss his cheek and kiss down to his jawline. His eyes flutter shut as I kiss down to his neck. I kiss the corner of his mouth and fully take his lips into mine. At first he didn’t kiss back but his eyes are shut. I nibble on his bottom lip and suck on it before kissing his upper lip. He opens his eyes and kiss back. He takes charge of the kiss and next moment I’m already moaning in his mouth.

We stop kissing and we break from the kiss.

” Reid’s waiting downstairs.” I say.

He smirks and chuckles.

” I’ll tell Manny to order food.”

I nod and get off his lap. I fall on the bed and pick up the TV remote control. Gray walks to the edge of the bed and leans his hands at the edge hovering over my face.

” Once all this sh*t’s over , we’re gonna go to Hawaii.” He kisses my forehead and walk out of the room.

I smile and bite my lip nervously. When this is over. So when will this be over ? Cause I’m already fed up.


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