Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 131 – 140


Leslie paled out. I didn’t notice other customers from their booths are already watching. Madison smirks and looks down at Leslie who’s already feeling dejected.

” You’re a looser b***h. Why don’t you get your lame ass and take your slutty best friend with you.” Madison scowls.

” Get out b***hes.” Her goth friend adds.

Alexa laughs loudly and that made others turn to look at Alexa who won’t stop laughing.

” f**k..” She squeaks and continue laughing. Crazy part , Brandon , Piper and few others join in the laughter. Now i feel for her.

” Hey everyone , look , Leslie is standing in the way of love.” Alexa squeaks and everyone burst into laughter , Including Madison and Hayden. Oh God.

Leslie sniffles as she burst into tears. She facepalm herself and runs out of the restaurant. Now i wish I ran after her to console her. That hurts.

I stand up from my chair and rush after Leslie.

” Ariel.” Alexa calls out but i ignore them.

” Leslie.” I call out her name.

She stop walking down the sidewalk with Hazel. She turns to look at me and cross her arms. I stalk towards her and sigh. Her mascara already smudge her eyes and she looks pale. I take a step forward and stuff my hands in my back pockets.

” I’m really sorry about what happened.” I say.

She raises her brows and laughs. Hazel chuckles and glares at me.

” Stop acting like I’m the cause of whatever thing that happened back there. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

” Why should you care ?” Leslie asks.

” Maybe because we’re sisters and we should always look out for each other.”

” I don’t f**kin care about you. I mean you’re this little tiny girl who’s got popular and almighty Gray wrapped around her fingers. And you have a f**kin Ferrari too. Don’t act like you care about me , you don’t f**kin care about anyone.”

” Oh yeah really ? You think if I don’t care about you I won’t be out there telling Mom you got pregnant for Reid ? Reid , Leslie. Gray Carter’s closest friend. And then you secretly abort it because what ?”

” f**k you, b***h. Don’t think you’re better than me. You’re still a slut who got lucky for having to sleep with Gray.”

” Really ? Why are you hard on yourself ? Why are you even jealous of me? You’ve always wanted everything I have and thankfully you’ve got it. Our parents liked you more than me and hopefully they listen to your bullsh*t.” I scoff and turn to walk away from her. I stop and turn to look at her. She’s still standing there and Hazel is whispering something to her.

” And also I’m glad Hayden dumped your cheap ass.” I say and leave. I walk into sands and winches and sit down on our booth. I’m so angry right now and I regretted ever going after her.

” You’re okay ?” They ask.

I nod and sip my drink.

” She’s annoying. I wanted to be sure she will be fine and then she just blow out on me. What an ass.” I groan and bite my lip.

” You shouldn’t have followed her. You and I know Leslie is a lunatic.” Alexa scoffs and rolls her eyes.

” Damn you really uploaded this on Snapchat.” Brandon mutters and turn his phone to face us.

” Alexa ?” I scowl at her. She winks and stuff her mouth with tacos.

” Woah. A lot of views. Leslie standing on the way of love.” Piper smirks and laughs.

I shake my head and scoff. We finish our meal and leave the restaurant. I attend my last class and drive home with Alexa. We get out of my car and walk into the building. She’ll be staying at my apartment for the day because of whatever thing that happened. I’m also driving her to the hospital to change her bandage and make sure the gun shot wound Is well treated.

” I can’t believe Hayden will leave me for that ugly brunette.” Leslie cowers as we walk in.

Alexa slumps on the couch and drop Blue on the floor.

” You’re okay , Leslie ?” Alexa asks with her taunting smirk.


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