Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 141 – 150


The man i kicked hisses in pain and unlock the chains around my wrist. I waste no time but grab my upper arm that’s already bleeding.

” f**k….” I wince to the pain. Who knew being shot hurts like hell. It’s like I can’t feel my arm and it burns inside.

” What the f**k is happening ?” Vladimir walks into the room but halt when he sees me bleeding and in tears. Where the heck is Gray ?

” Who f**kin shot her ?” Vladimir growls. Why should he care ?

The guy I kicked answer.” Rick did.”

Vladimir pulls out his gun from his coat pocket and shoot Rick on the head. He falls flat on the ground dead. I gasp in shock and wince in pain . I’m loosing too much blood right now. Vladimir walks to my form and grab my good arm as he pulls me up to my feet.

” Tell Francesco to clear that sh*t up.” Vladimir says to the man.

We walk pass a dark hallway and he opens another door. This one looks better than the other room. It’s clean and has two chairs. There’s a vent window at the top and I obviously can’t escape through that. Not with my arm that’s shot.

Three men are in the room , all of which are harmed with riffles. Vladimir push me to a chair and remove his jacket from his body. He toss it to another guy who I didn’t notice just walked in with a first aid kit.

Why should they have that. Vladimir roll up the sleeves of his black dress shirt and his tatted arms come on display.

” You were supposed to be okay , why the f**k did Rick have to shoot you ?” He yells.

The guy who holds Vladimir’s jacket give it to another guy as he takes it. The first aid guy squat in front of me and tear out the short sleeve of my t-shirt that’s already covered in blood.

I whimper and cry. I’ve never been shot before. I can’t believe I’ll ever get shot because of anyone. Gray owe me for this. Imagine being shot in the arm , i should be expecting more from them. I shut my eyes when I noticed this weirdo who squats in front of me is about to remove the bullet.

” Don’t you have any drugs that can make me feel numb.” I protest but no one answers.

Vladimir sits on the other chair and watch me intensely. What a ruthless bas***d. I scream when the scissors come in contact with my skin. I wanted to fight him off of me but another man joined him and they hold my other arm.

” Holy Jesus. ” I whimper when I see the bullet. He drops it on the floor and begin cleaning me. Why are they treating me in the first place ? Aren’t they supposed to be the bad guys ? I shut my eyes when I feel the needle pierce through my skin to stitch me up. I scream again and shout and scream till I lost my voice.

I feel a sharp sting on my neck again and it didn’t take long for me to black out.


I open my eyes and blink them several times. I look around this unfamiliar room and we’re not in the warehouse. It’s a bedroom and my feets are tied again.

The other good hand was handcuff against the headboard of the bed and I’m still on my pajamas. What time is it ? Is the day over ? Where am I ?I look at my arm that was shot and it’s better and stitched. Vladimir walks in slowly. His hands are tuck in his pants pocket.

” Where am I ? What did you do to me ?”

” What ? You think I f**ked you ? Or do you want me to ?”

” You’re so gross. Where am I ? Why can’t you let me go ?” I begin to sob , again.

He chuckles and smirks.

” You’re in Chicago and this is my bedroom. You’ve just been out for a day.”

” Chicago ? New York to Chicago ?” I never planned to tour the world like this.

” What do you want from me ?” I ask calmly.

He chuckles and walks to the side of the bed where i lay. He takes out a seat and sit next to me.

” Gray doesn’t deserve you at all. I bet he deserves no one.” He says.

” Have you ever wondered how Gray rose to fame in such a short period of time ?”

” It took him eight years.” I reply. Vladimir laughs.

” Nobody builds a Mafia like his in less than eight years , except they get greedy and do a lot of bad sh*t.”

” A Mafia ?” I ask. I can’t believe this. I don’t wanna believe it. A Mafia ?

Vladimir furros his brows.” f**k , he didn’t tell you ? He’s such a p***y.” Vladimir pulls out a cigar from his nightstand and lights it. I’m still getting use to the smell of cigarettes and now cigar.


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