Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 141 – 150


” I know Gray. Like i said it was a coincidence.”

” And I’m telling you it was a set-up. Someone sold me out to a f**kin detective. That wasn’t supposed to happen , Tucker.” I glare at him. I quietly shove out my gun and load it calmly. It has a silencer , probably it won’t alert the others.

” Did you tell on him ?” I ask him calmly.

His face pales out once. Such a f**k face. He tenses and chuckles to regain his guilt filled face.

” I would never do that Gray.”

” You did it , Tucker. Can I know why ?”

His pulse moves rapidly and it’s obvious. I nod and continue the game.

” I’m sorry if you think I would betray you , Gray.” f**kin politicians. Lying thieves.

I look up at him and meet eyes with his. I pick up my chess piece and kick his own piece with mine.

” Checkmate.” I pull out my gun and shoot his head. He falls back on his chair and died with blood oozing out of his head.

” b***h.” I cuss and stand up.

I walk to the side of his desk and draw out his drawers. There are bunch and list of different files. I scamper through the files and see what I wanted. I pick up the flashdrive and stuff it in my pockets. I take one last look at his corpse and bring out another gun from my Jacket pocket. I check the bullet on the gun and cock the gun. I twist the doorknob and open the door. Before his guard could make a move , I shoot him. The gun shot alerted the others as they pile in with their guns. I aim at their heads and shoot at each one of them as they rush in.

” Damn , Carter.” Another man cuss as he tries to pull his trigger. I slam my gun across his face as the man groans and crash on the floor hissing In pain. I scoff and shoot him.

” f**kin bas***d.” Another of Tucker’s men yell as he shoots at me. I duck and shoot him. He falls down on the floor in his pool of blood.

” Damn..” I breathe out and look around the passage. Lots of Tucker’s dead men. He’s such a traitor. And i hate traitors. And then I have one mole to deal with too. I’ve always suspected Meghan with Sarai. Even if she isn’t working with me anymore , that b***h has something within her sleeves, especially when I found out Meghan is dating Sarai. I thought they were both straight.

The guy I shot last whimpers. His hand moves slightly as he tries to open his eyes. I shake my head and shoot him on the head.

” D***.” I chuckle and shove my guns inside my Jacket and walk out of the casino. I took the stairs to the top of the building where Manny and Nick is waiting.

” Romeo is dead. Reid shot him.” Nick says.

” Boss , you should come look at this.” Manny who’s leaning on the edge of the building with a sniper rifle in his hand, says. He motions to me as I take the sniper rifle. I look into the telescope and the sight made me gasp.

” Ariel. f**k.”

Vladimir’s right hand man drag her out of his car aggressively. I see Vladimir at the corner smoking his stupid cigar. The total of them were four , including Vladimir.

” Take out the two on my command.” I say to Manny and rush down back into the building.

This is all my fault. I’m always getting her into trouble and seriously I feel selfish. It’s just a billion dollars and I have more than that. I’m giving him back his money if that’s gonna end this bullsh*t fight. How did he even fine her ? I thought I ask Carl and Spencer to look after her. I take the backdoor through an abandoned room in the casino and it leads to the warehouse.

She means everything to me. I’d give my life to see her happy. She makes me happy and hurting her and I’m gonna loose my mind.


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