Alexa slow down the car as she parks in front of an Italian restaurant. We get out and the valet man takes the key. I look around the restaurant and this place is fancy. Piper’s gonna pay a lot today. Since her budget is food and refreshments. A lady greets us and take us to a table. Piper and I sit across from Alexa and Brandon.
” Is that a twizzler ?” Piper asks Alexa who just bring it out of her bag.
” Yeah. It calms down my sexual frustration.”
” You’re sexually frustrated ?” Brandon asks.
Alexa rolls her eyes.” I’m horny. Hmm…” she touches her neck and giggles. I roll my eyes and Brandon laughs.
” I’m not excluded.” Piper adds.
A waitress approaches us to take our orders. We order for italian dish, most that I’ve not eaten before.
” Damn , someone’s checking Piper out.” I mutter.
They dart their heads to the table at the end of the restaurant. A guy with well tailored suit winks at Piper obviously.
” Damn , I’m getting laid.” Piper mutters under her breath.
Alexa chuckles. The waitress returns with our food as she place them on our table. She smiles politely and leave.
” I heard they cook good food.” Brandon says and pick up a fork.
” Yeah. This is one of the best italian restaurant in Miami.” Alexa answers.
” Been here before ?” Piper asks briefly looking at the stranger who won’t stop staring at her either.
” Yeah. Thrice I think. My mom and I. Me and my ex boyfriend came here twice.”
” Ex boyfriend that we know ?” I ask and grin. The guys chuckles as Alexa shakes her head sideways .
We talk and eat and Piper won’t stop eye-flirting with the stranger. The waitress comes back with the bill and Piper gives her her card as the waitress leaves.
” I don’t know if you forgot Piper but you’re dating Jamie.” I say. She shrugs and drinks her wine.
” Yeah. Jamie is in New York and I just want a weekend fling. No harm in trying. Right Alexa ?”
” Yeah. She said they are not in love.” Alexa says.
” So, it’s like you’re gonna hurt him if he finds out.” Brandon speaks up.
Piper rolls her eyes and smiles.” It’s just a fling. A weekend fling.” She protests and Alexa nods. Yeah , she doesn’t like nerds , I get it.
The stranger stands up and walks to the restroom direction.
” Alright. We understand, go to him.” I say as Piper giggles. She drinks her water and smile at us before leaving.
Two men walks into the restaurant as they sits at the end. A bit far from ours.
” Can I take this ?” Brandon asks waving his ringing phone at us.
” Sure.” Alexa says. He smiles warmly and walks outside to take his call.
” Damn. De Luca is here.” Alexa mutters above the rim of her glass as she drinks her wine.
” Who the hell is that ?” I ask and lean forward.
” Cage’s father. He’s the one with the blue suit.” She says and sit back her glass. I turn to look at the two men and they look deep in their conversation. De Luca or whatever look ruthless , really a Mafia boss.
” And the other ?”
” Sinclair Daxton.” Damn. This same man again. Whom Gray betrayed and outsmarted him. Also same man they believe I look like.
” Remind me how you know this people ? It’s like you know every single criminal in the entire world.”
” I told you i dated Massimo. A Sicilian Mafia boss and it’s an ally to the Italians. I also fucked Vladimir , so you get it. I’ve also attended their Mafia party once. It’s usually occupied with lots of mafia bosses around the world. It’s like a ball , they are throwing one this year. Get ready to accompany Gray.” She says and winks at me.
I sigh and drink my wine. I’m not willing to attend any dumb party and if I can remember , Gray’s mother’s birthday is around the corner. I turn to look at these men as they slowly turn their head to look at me. Sinclair’s eyes fall on my form and for some reasons I freeze. He furrows his brows at me. Cage’s father smirks as he whispers something to Sinclair.
” Alexa .”
” Huh.” She replies. I think she feels the tension. Something isn’t right about the two of them. I sit up and try to look away from them. But I can’t , i can’t just look away , i don’t even know why. They talk some more and Sinclair stands up.
” He’s coming…” I mutter to Alexa.
” Let’s get out of here…”
What do you think is about to happen?
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