Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 151 – 160


” You don’t get it. I….” I sigh and facepalm myself. Yeah , I wanted the break but now I’m the one hurting.

Alexa sighs and sits down on her couch.

” Come here.” She coos.

I lay on the couch and rest my head on her laps. My hair splays on her lap and she run her fingers through my hair.

” Love is crazy. You need to sacrifice a lot of things for each other. I believe he sacrificed so much for you too. I just wanna let you know that , what ever decisions you make , it’s okay.”

” Thanks.”

” But , don’t keep too far from him. You guys are so fuckin in love with each other. I see no reasons in fighting over things like this. Okay I get it , it’s sort of hard to take in. And you’re that good girl who wanted to serve in a convent and you find yourself in a romance circle with the bad guy. That type of shit is really tough and hard to take in. To talk the worse ,he even killed his father.” Alexa sighs.

” It’s really annoying. Why does it have to be a criminal. You know i actually never thought I would ever be in a normal relationship with someone not even Gray. Alexa he already stole my heart.”

Alexa smiles and run her fingers on my hair.

” You wanna travel ?” She raises her brows and smirks.

” Miami ?”

” Yup. Since we couldn’t make it last week , we could check in this week. It’s gonna be fun and it’s gonna help you think.” She says. I dare not stay back or I’ll die of depression.

” Sure. I ain’t dropping this one.”

” That’s my girl. Now let’s go eat dinner. I’m sure the pancakes are already cold. Piper and Brandon is coming over for sleepover.” I sit up and follow her to the kitchen.

I sigh and sit on the stool. Alexa takes the pancakes as she microwave them.

” We’re gonna discuss about you and Gray later. I’m not dropping that topic.” She says and I chuckle.

I pick up a cookie from the jar and take a bite.

” Did you ever withneesed any sort of fights when dating Massimo ?” I ask Alexa.

” A lot. Including one that almost took my life.”

” And you stayed ?” I ask and lean my elbows on the counter.

” I liked him. I really love him. When my parents found out I got involved with the mafia , they panicked.”

” Damn. Who wouldn’t panic ? The guns, drugs and every other illegal things. They wanted to be sure you’re safe since Ace is out.”

” Yeah , true. But most times , love is crazy. It makes you do stupid things even if you’re gonna get hurt. My own opinion is, no matter the circumstances , you should stand by Gray. No one’s gonna take your life because Gray would be there for you.” Alexa says.

I shut my eyes and take a deep breath. I open them and sigh. This is too complicating. I can’t fit in. I’m not the bad girl everyone is scared of. I was the one bullied in highschool. How am I supposed to act like everything’s fine when I can’t breathe properly. They won’t stop shooting because they are all criminals. Vladimir is gone , so who’s gonna be next ? Cage ?

” Who’s in the house !” Piper screams from the living room as she walks to the kitchen with Brandon.

” Damn….” She sniffs and smile.” I love pancakes.” She smiles widely and sit close to me. Brandon sits on the other side opposite us while Alexa drops the pancakes on two different plates.

” Hey guys.”

” Hi , Arie. Ready for vacation ?”

I laugh and nod.

” You’ve been acting super weird these past days. Are you okay ?” Brandon asks and pick up a cookie.

” Yeah. Alexa said you got the flu. Are you pregnant ?” Piper grins and smirks.

” Guys , no. I’m not pregnant , I’ve got no flue either. I’m just sick , that’s all.”

Alexa raises her brows and swirls syrup all over the pancakes. She pushes my plate to me as I pick up two forks. I give one to Piper.

” No ,I’m fine. Eat up while we plan Vacation.” Piper says.

I shrug and drop one fork as I begin to feast on my pancakes.

” What did Jamie say about your vacation ?” Alexa asks Piper.

” Same thing everyday. He’s gonna missed me but he’s gonna endure and wait.” Piper chuckles.

” What about you Tinkerbell ?” Brandon asks and grins.

” Tinkerbell ?” Alexa asks as she looks between me and Brandon. Why would Brandon call me that.

” Your pendant. So don’t freak out.” Brandon utters.

” Oh that. Is that what Gray usually calls you ?” Piper asks.


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