Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 151 – 160


Leslie didn’t reply but focus on the floor in tears.

” You stoop so low and slept with your professor without a fuckin condom. What the fuck is wrong with you ? I thought we were friends , why did you have to lie to me ?” Hazel asks.

” Fuck , I’m so screwed.” Leslie sob more. ” How could I be so fuckin stupid.”

Poor thing.

” You’re fucked up Leslie. I’m just gonna leave.”

” Hazel wait , you can’t leave too.” Leslie stands up at once.

” The fuck girl. You lied to me. That Reid was responsible. You couldn’t even tell me the truth and you expect me to be here with you. Fuck..” she opens the door and walks out as she slams the door.

” Oh fuck…” Leslie screams and slouch on the couch.

” Leslie..” i call out to her.

” Leave me the fuck alone. You depressed fucker.” She yells at me and stand up to her feet as she walks away.

I puff out my breath and pick up my phone and car keys as I walk out of the apartment. I slide into my car and turn on the radio to help me forget about what happened. I need to talk to my parents especially my dad. He’s sometimes better than my mom . He listens sometimes and he’s a soft hearted person. Mom’s this African woman with a hot temper. She controls dad and makes the decision. It seems whatever thing she says stays and no one’s changing that.

I’d never thought mom would kick Leslie out of her life after everything. She supports Leslie. Assists Leslie. Loved Leslie more and always believe any shit she says. Why did she have to kick out Leslie ? So all this was pretence. Pretends to believe every shit Leslie says but why ? I halt the car outside Alexa’s apartment and I step out. I shut the door and stalk inside the lobby. I’m tired as hell and I don’t feel okay. This is too much. Leslie is pregnant for her professor and she’s been cut out from the family. I need to speak to my parents after this vacation. If they don’t take her back , Leslie is gonna suffer. She’s already dropping out of college.

” Hey guys.” I smile as I shut the door behind me.

They were watching a movie and arguing at the same time. They stop arguing as they grins at me.

” What’s going on ?”

” We’re arguing over money heist.” Brandon answers for them.

Damn that series.

” I said Tokyo is the worst character ever because she’s self centered and rude. Annoying , too showy, and to top it all selfish. She uses your problems to laugh in your face.” Piper says.

I cross my arms and look among them waiting for another debate.

” You see. Piper is just a liar. I believe Tokyo is one of the best. She’s fearless.” Alexa protests.

” Fuck fearless….” Piper cut in.

” Let’s be sincere , Berlin and professor is the best characters here. Tokyo or whatever is really shit.” Brandon says.

I smile and chuckle.

” Are you guys done ?” I ask. They look at themselves as they shift their gaze to me. Joining them in this conversation, then we ain’t getting out of it. I really don’t watch it that much but if I had to pick the best characters then I’m choosing professor and Berlin. I don’t wanna argue with them either.

Suddenly they raise up their voices and start arguing again. Their voices fill the living room and it’s so loud. I drop my keys and leave them to their argument. I go to the kitchen and sit on the counter to eat cereal , i really haven’t ate anything. I think they made omelette and even meatballs. I drop the cereal and serve the omelette on my plate. Their argument hasn’t stopped yet and I’m enjoying it. I stuff meatballs in my mouth and pick up a fork and bottle water.

I eat and they are still arguing. I’m already tired of their nuisance. I drop the plate and wash my hands. I go to the living room and switch off the TV. I connect my phone to the speakers in the house and play a song on my playlist. They stop at once.


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