Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 161 – 170


We walk out of his office to the board room. Most of the board members are already seated. The manager smirks at me and finally glares at me. We’re never going to like each other.

I see Belinda. She stands close to the accountant , Brooke. Theo sits on the head sit and I stand a bit far from him still holding the files. He outstretch his hands out for me and i give him the files.

Their meeting begins and they talk about their business progress and clients. I zoned out at the manager’s piercing glare.

” There’s a big business deal that will help this company’s fortune. The thing we need is a bigger amount of money or maybe we actually need a company who would wanna support us.” Brooke says. He’s the accountant.

” Why should we need money to strike some random deal ?” Theo asks.

” Because this will definitely change Sterling corp. And your father suggests we talk to Gray Carter.” Kevin , one of the board members says.

” Gray Carter ?” Theo scoffs and briefly looks at me.

” Yes. I understand you’re not in good terms with him but i think we need a loan or maybe a fundraiser.”

” No. We’re not getting a fuckin loan from Gray.”

” Theo calm down. It’s just a loan. But if you don’t want a loan because of the company’s ego then maybe we should ask for a fundraiser.”

” That’s like charity.” Theo yells.

I swallow and sigh.

” It’s not. Children Cancer research also needs a fundraiser and if you wanna know we’re the host behind it. We can’t fail them and we need this business deal , Theo.”

” So what are you suggesting ?” Theo asks.” As long as I’m concerned , I’m not calling Gray Carter for some damn cancer research fundraiser. I’m Theo Sterling for fuck’s sake. We’re not even in good terms and i don’t even know how to support this type of decisions.”

” We know. Summit and Sterling aren’t in good terms, yes but he’s gonna give us this fundraiser and we won’t even end up paying.” Brooke says.

“So you’re expecting Gray to throw away 50 million dollars at Sterling.”

” Maybe he will. This is were your intern comes in.” The manager says as she smirks at me. They all turn to look at me.

Okay this isn’t good.
First I haven’t seen Gray for over a month and I haven’t even heard from him.
Now they wanna use me to get some fundraiser for what ?
Is he even back?

” Yeah,that’s a good idea.”

Everyone smiles and nods at me.

” Miss Ariel Peterson , this is were you come in. He’s your boyfriend and we want a fundraiser. You’ll have to help us.” Kevin adds.

” Why me ?”

” Because he’s your boyfriend and like I heard he values you a lot.” The manager snarls at me.

I scoff.

” So it’s settled. Miss Peterson is helping us out and Brooke is gonna accompany you.”

” I’m not sure he’s around.” I say.

” Of course he’s around. I bet I saw Gray yesterday.”

They saw Gray.
And he didn’t even check on me.

One whole month and I’m about to see the man who left me for a whole month without a single “Hello” I feel like passing out.





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