Gray shakes his head and resume talking to Alexa. I never knew they’ve been talking.
” You’ve shot someone before right?” Gray asks Alexa.
” Yeah. Several scum bags.” She replies innocently with her hands behind her.
” Okay. I hope you’re gonna be different from the others.”
” Of course. I would never hit on you considering the fact that you’re my sister’s sweetheart. You guys are in love, I’ll never try to break it.” She smiles and look my way.
” Sure. And one more thing. No sexual relationship with anyone at all. I won’t take it.” Gray says.
” Deal. Wait! What? And Nick?” She asks and looks at Nick.
” No one. You can like anyone outside but not a fellow colleague.”
” Wait up. She’s the new Sarai?” Reid asks. Gray sighs but didn’t answer.
” Okay. I have a question. Reid are you gay?”
Okay that was a little weird. Alexa’s question made everyone cackles and chuckles.
” Bitch , seriously.” Reid glares at her.
” You don’t like me I know. I’m sure you like no one except your best buddy. You’re sure you’re not gay. Have you explored your sexuality? You might be queer you know.” Alexa rambles.
Gray huffs and turns to leave. I palm my forehead and watch Alexa and Reid.
” Okay , that’s enough. Everyone go back to work. Alexa, Manny will tell you what to do. And you Nick , don’t try to fuck her. I sense the fuckin sexual tension between you two.” Gray points at them as he looks back at me.
Alexa huffs. Gray stops beside me and ask if I wanna follow him back to my room. I tell him no that i wanna talk to Alexa. She now works for the mob , basically making her a mobster, if that’s even a thing. He kisses my temple and climb the stairs. We’re traveling tomorrow. I cross my arm and turn to look at Alexa talking to Manny. She giggles like a teenager. Reid walks to stand next to me as he lights a cigarette.
” What’s with your sisters ? Why did you talk her to work for Gray.”
” You’re being irrational.” I scoff.
” Huh ! It’s gonna take the Lord’s doing to make me and you like each other. You’re too unpredictable.” Reid tells me.
” Yeah? Because you tried to hit on me and make me sleep with you and you didn’t succeed , you then turn it to hate? What type of adult does that ? You should be thanking me i didn’t tell Gray what you did. How you slapped my butt and threatened my life.”
” What!” A familiar voice says behind us.
We turn around swiftly to see an annoyed and raged Gray. He looks between me and Reid as he glares at Reid.
” You smacked her butt?”
READ ALSO : BOSSY MAID: Episode 1 – 10
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