Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 171 – 180


” Alexa. Seriously , the baby is not even out yet.”

She scoffs and stands up.

” Do you have food in this house ? I’m hungry.”

” Check the kitchen.” I tell her and go to the bathroom.

” Oh Ariel.” Alexa shouts my name.

” Yes , Alex.” I groan as I remove my towel.

” Don’t forget to shave your legs and wax. You wouldn’t want Gray to get lost in those fountains of pubes down there.”

” Shut up Alexa , I always wax.” I sigh and turn on the shower.

” I’m just trying to be a good cousin.”

I chuckle and step under the shower. After lathering my skin , I rinse off the lather and step out. I clean my skin and my hair. The braids are already out. I snake through my closet and decide to wear a black strap dress with a V-neck. I blow dry my hair and decide to straighten it. I step on my shoes and pick my purse. I go to the living room and stop at the kitchen to see Alexa. She’s cooking.

” Be safe and have fun.” She says. I nod and walk out of the house.


I take a deep breath and step out of my car. I shut the door and look at this house I’ve come to miss. A month ago , Gray wasn’t here including the men who guard the house and work for him. It was dead. I smile at Carl and he help me with the door. I look around and see Nick with Manny in the kitchen.

” Oh god. When last did I saw you?” Nick asks when he sees me.

” A month ago.” I tell him.

” Damn. You look beautiful.”

” Really Nick ? She’s your boss’s girlfriend.” Manny tells him.

” My bad , he’s upstairs. In his room.” He smiles as I nod. I give them a small smile and take the stairs and i almost bump into someone. God Reid. We can never be in good terms.

He’s always cold around me and it’s obvious we can never be in good terms.

” I’m sorry.” I say and walk past him. He didn’t reply or look back at me.

I exhale and knock on Gray’s door. I twist the doorknob and walk in. The drapes are push to the end so the room isn’t that dark. There’s no Gray in here. A song plays through the stereo and it’s a little low. I drop my purse on the couch and look around. The swimming pool in his bedroom bubbles as Gray swims out. He sweep his hair back with his palms and smiles at me.

” Hey.” I say and look down at him.

His eyes rake down my body taking in my outfit. He’s making me feel naked.

” You know nothing’s gonna happen if you stand there with your clothes on, right?”

I bite my lip and smile.

” Lock the door when coming in.” He tells me and I nod.

I walk to the door and lock it. I remove my shoes and keep it aside.

” Ariel..” Gray calls my name as I walk to the pool.

” I wanna watch you take it out. Stop being shy.” He says and smiles widely.

I nod and take a deep breath. This feels like our first time. I hold the hem of my dress and pull it above my head. His eyes stay focus on my body that’s clad with red lingerie.

” I’m waiting.” He says. His eyes are already dark and it burns with desire.

I unclasp my bra and take it out. His seductive stares is making me wet more than normal. I toss it away and slowly pull down my panties. My eyes lock with his as I take it out. Now I’m naked. He swims to the edge and motion for me to come in. I slowly sit on the deck as Gray wraps his hands around my waist. I shudder to his touch as goosebumps rise in my skin. My nipples are already hard as I clench my legs together. Gray grabs my waist and pull me into the water with him. I swallow when his fingers touch down my back.

” Why are you nervous ?” He whispers and swim to the middle with me.

” I still can’t believe you’re real.” I answer. Gray smiles.

” I thought about you through out the day and night. I couldn’t wait to run into your arms again.” He says and wraps his hands around my waist.

” What took you so long?” I ask and rest my hands on his shoulders.

” I was handling business.”

” Murder ?”

He nods.

” Why’s it always compulsory?”

” That’s how the Mafia works. You can’t change it. Moscov , Vladimir’s brother refused money. It was a shitty battle.”

” Did you kill him?”

He stays quiet and sighs.


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