Gray runs his right hand down my spine to my butt and grabs it. I moan in his mouth and nibble on his upper lips. His tongue teases my mouth as he bites my bottom lip.
I stop kissing and lean my forehead against his.
” Please.”
” Why ?”
” Because you care about him too. I understand that he’s really annoying sometimes and all that but he cares for you. He wanted to look out for you. I feel like I’m the cause for this.”
” You know you’re not.”
” Yes , i am.”
Gray sighs and look away from me.
” It’s simple. I believe you guys normally fight right ?”
” A lot of times.”
” See? You just have to do what’s right. How do you normally settle your fights ?”
Gray chuckles and looks back at me.
” I would never want his girl no matter what? If I did shit to him i always try to amend it and act like an adult. He couldn’t even say sorry or feel guilty. What’s his shit? I hate his fuckin ego sometimes.”
” You shouldn’t have ask him to stop working for the mob.”
” I didn’t ask him to stop. Told him to take a break and get his shit together. Forget about Reid , once we go back to New York, we are gonna talk.”
I nod.
” Is it compulsory I go with you to that party?”
” Yeah. Everyone always come with a date. Either whores , mistresses , girlfriends or brides. You don’t wanna be left out.”
” So who did you took last year?”
He twists his mouth like who’s thinking.
” Some girl. I don’t even remember her name.” He scoffs. ” No one’s gonna hurt you if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m gonna be there and precise shooting is not allowed.”
I smile and nod. I run my finger tip slowly down his nape as I lock eyes with him. His long black lashes are wet, his red lips are full because of our hot make out.
” Do you have ever think that Reid is gay?” I ask.
He looks baffled as he chuckles.
” Why would you say that ? He’s straight and only wants women.”
” Yeah , i know. Most times people hide their sexuality because they are afraid to be judged by the world. Even if he’s not , he’s always protective of you , like an older brother.” I say. Gray sighs and rub circles on my lower back.
” I bet he looked out for you when Damon wasn’t even looking.”
Gray blows out a breath and nods.
” Reasons you need to forgive him. I don’t wanna come between you guys. He thinks you don’t care about him anymore and you’re choosing me over him.”
” I forgive him already. I just want him to apologise and realize his mistakes. You’re mine and he should respect that and stay the fuck away from you.”
I smile.” Maybe , you just need to remind him more often.”
He chuckles and bites his bottom lip. It’s almost dark out here and I bet it’s almost 8 pm.
” You’re getting cold , let’s get you inside.” Gray says and carry me out of the water. He picks up my phone as we climb the stairs to the cabin.
After dinner , I lay on my belly with only bra and panties. Gray’s wishes. I watch a series with his laptop and crunch on the cookies packed on a bowl close to the laptop. Gray isn’t around. He’s being making preparations for a car once we arrive Hawaii. The door to the room opens as I feel his presence walks in. He’s always without a shirt and that’s sorta seductive. The edge of the bed dips as Gray climbs on it. Is strong arms rests at either side of me as he crawls forward.
” What are you watching?”
” Pretty little liars.”
He scoffs. He hates it because he thinks it’s too mysterious and not worth wasting time. Also I had to patronize and whine several times before he allowed me download Netflix on his laptop or even watch a movie with his laptop.
” Found A yet ?” He chuckles and kisses my bare shoulder.
I roll my eyes and look at him from my shoulder.
” Close.” I say with a smirk as i look back at the laptop.
He hum against my skin and gently bites my shoulder blade. He kisses down my back slowly as his lips suck on my skin. He trails it down my back leaving trails of kisses as he goes. I bite my bottom lip and breathe out. My back is already arch from the pleasure that follows each of his slow seductive kisses.
He motion for me to lay flat with my head on the pillow. I gently push the laptop aside. He kisses my back to the hook of my bra and he stops. His fingers mess with the hook as unclasp it with one quick motion. He push the strap aside and kiss that spot.
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