Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 191 – 200



I pace around the waiting room of the hospital. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I did this. I caused this. I shouldn’t have allowed her go on that stupid date with a Russian. Oh I’m so screwed.

I sit on the hospital’s chair and hold my hair. She was taken to the emergency room after I rushed her here. Her blood soaked my shirt and I didn’t care. I just wanted her to be okay. I stand up and pace around. Diego walked in with my three other men.

” Did you find the fucker?” I ask.

” No boss.”

” You’re gonna go back and find me that motherfucker. Make sure you kill him and I wanna see his head. If you don’t come back with his head don’t bother coming back , cause you’re gonna hate it. Do i make myself clear?” I ask with rage.

” Yes , boss.” They answer.

” Get the fuck out.” I yell as they rush out.

I look around the waiting room and thankfully it’s not occupied. Just a little girl who’s asleep and a boy with a headphone in his ears. I shove my hands inside my pockets and continue to pace around.

I slide my hands down my face and run my fingers through my hair. This is so frustrating. I waited close to two hours before a female doctor walks in.

” Mr Carter?” I nod and look down at her name tag which reads Fiona.

” Please come with me.” She says and starts walking.

At every single step i take to her room , i prayed and wish she’s okay and safe. She doesn’t deserve any of this. None of this. My world is too dark for her and yet I chose not to let her go. I feel selfish. I caused all of this. I should have stopped her from going to that club. I should have stopped her from even shooting. I shut my eyes and exhale sharply as the doctor opens the door to her room.

She step in and I entered too. At that minute I find it hard to breathe. She looks pale even with a skin like hers. She looks peaceful. I watch her heart rise up and down and she’s not making a move.

” Is she okay ? Will she be okay ?”

” She will be fine with time. She lost a lot of blood but she will be fine.”

I smile and sit on a chair close to her bed. I hold her small hand and it’s cold. I run my thumb on the back of her palm and thank whosoever that lives above us for sparing her and keeping her safe.

” But…” I look up at the doctor at once. What’s but. I might not be a psychic but the word ‘But’ means bad news.

” But what ?” I ask.

“She lost a lot of blood and that might delay her recovery. She’s fine and hopefully she should be up and active anytime from now. I don’t really know.”

” Are you saying , you don’t really know when she’ll be awake from this unconsciousness ?” I ask.

” Sort of.” Fiona answers.

” Fuck me.” I mutter and stand up.

” I’m really sorry Mr Carter.” Fiona says and walks out of Ariel’s room.

My phone starts to ring. I scoff and pull it out as I press the device against my ear without looking at the dialer.

” What !” I snap at the caller.

” Really Gray? Have you been taking drugs ?” My mom asks on the phone. I mutter ‘Fuck.’ as i look at the caller ID. I press it against my ear and pace around the hospital room.

” I’m sorry mom. I’m in a really tight situation.” I sigh.

” What type of situation?”

” It’s fine , I can handle it. How are you?”

” I’m happy. Birthdays are one of my favorite moments. And also I can’t wait to see this young lady that finally stole your miserable heart.” She says.

“Mom , that’s like an insult to me . You know that, right?” I huff.

” Like I care. Are you still in the mob?”

I roll my eyes. God this isn’t really the right time for this type of conversation. I’m not really in the mood.

” You know I can’t leave the mob and I’m not ready to leave yet.”

” Really? Do you enjoy watching the ones you love getting hurt? How did she even fall in love with you if she knows that you’re a criminal.”

” She understands me.”

” Really? You know you’re putting her life in danger with your illegal business.”


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