Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 191 – 200


Gray took me to the store after that breakfast. I go through the aisle filled with expensive bracelets and wrist watch. I pick up a silver colored bracelet with tiny white gems. It’s beautiful and maybe Mia Carter might like it.

I bought a dress and shoes for whatever thing I’m about to do this evening. We later walk out of the store as Gray drive through the busy street. I didn’t ask him about his gift for his mother and I’m pretty sure he got that settled. We stopped by in a mall and I step out.

I needed to buy gift cards for Mia and also gift wraps. I watch Gray as he look around the mall.

Some people who always get themselves busy with business magazine notices Gray as they throw him seductive glances. Gray didn’t notice any of those. He looks up at me and smirks. I roll my eyes and pick two Amazon gift cards and gift wraps as I walk to the counter.

All this while Mr Carter wished to pay but I didn’t let him. It’s a birthday gift and I need to pay for it. The girl at the counter bag my items and I take it after paying. We walk out of the mall and Gray help me keep the items inside the trunk. It closes and we enter the car.

” Changed your mind yet?” Gray asks.

I scoff.” I wanna help and it’s final.”

” Thought about a name you wanna use?”

” I don’t really know. Zoey , Sharon or even Alicia. It sounds perfect right?” I ask and turn to look at him from my seat.

” Sharon’s pretty. Last name? Cause we’re gonna get you a fake ID.” This will be fun.

“William, Stone, Miller or even Smith.”

” Smith is great.” He says and sighs.

” I’ll be needing a blonde wig.”

” Yeah, yeah. I’m still not comfortable with that. But I trust you though , you can take care of yourself.”

After several minutes of driving , Gray halts the car outside a hotel. We step out of the car. I look up at the luxurious building. Gray likes fancy things a lot. He opens the trunk and bring out the item and we walk inside the hotel. Gray asks me to sit as he book a room for us. I look around the lobby and back to Gray. He collects the key card and walks back. He takes my hand and lead me to the elevator.

Gray opens the door to our supposed room and shut it. It’s a suite and really beautiful. He drops the item and grab me by my waist as he leans me against the door. His lips taste mine and I kiss back. He hastily shrugs off my jacket as it drops to the floor. I wrap my arms around his neck and move my lips with his. I help him get out of his hoodie and toss it on the floor. Gray caresses my skin to my thighs and behind.

” Fuck , you look so beautiful and I barely could take my eyes off you.” He pulls my crop top above my head and I’m braless. He kisses my neck down my chest and my cleavages. I moan as he roam delicately and expertly on my skin.


I fit into the sleeves red dress as it hug every layer of my body. It’s mid thigh and it has a straight slit up my my thighs. I put on the blonde wig and arrange the bang that falls on top my eyebrows. The wig drop down my back close to my waist as I brush it.

I put on the long eye lash and make up myself. I’ve been doing great lately. I smile and apply nude lipstick on my lips. I top my looks with blue contact lens and viola , I look different. T

he girl staring back at me isn’t Ariel. I look different, wild and the name Sharon Smith fits this personality. I step on the silver colored stilettos and smile at my reflection.

Gray appears from behind me as his eyes widen at my new form. He poke my cheek and blink his eyes.

” Who the hell are you? What did you do to my girl?” He murmurs and kisses my earlobe. I chuckle and giggles.

” How do I look?” I ask.

He wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles my neck.

” Hot. Pretty and so fuckin sexy.” He whispers. He brings out a switchblade and give it me and a garter. ” Wear this around your thighs and stick the switchblade there. In case he acts stubborn and begins to suspect you , stab him.”


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