Ariel got discharged today. She sits at the edge of the bed inside the cabin of my yacht as we sail to New York. I watch as she lay down on the bed. I stalk to the bed and sit on the edge.
” You’re okay?”
” Yeah. I just want a foot massage.” She says and plop her head down on the pillow.
I grab her feet and place them on my lap as I run my fingers slowly on her shin. She wears my t-shirt under her lace panties as I slowly caress her ankle. I look up at her and her eyes are shut. I continue to caress her feet slowly. She opens her eyes and sits up.
” I just remembered something , am I gonna accompany you to that criminal ball?”
I sigh and run my fingers up her ankle.
” If you wanna stay back , I’ll be fine. It’s really not a big deal.”
” Then who are you gonna take as your date?” She asks.
” I’ll go alone. I want you to be fine. Also I want you to stay out of these bad business and mob shit. I can’t watch you get hurt again.”
” You’re acting like it’s not normal to get hurt. Gray I’m fine and I’ll be more watchful. Fine , i don’t wanna be a mob because I don’t want to. But I still wanna help when it’s useful.”
” What are you even saying?”
She sighs and remove her legs from my lap to sit on my lap.
” Ariel , you’re not strong.”
She giggles and rest her head on my chest as she let her hands trail on my chest.
” I wanna go with you to the Mafia ball. You said no guns , so I’m gonna be fine.” She says and looks up at me.
” Please stop pouting , I can’t resist that.” I mutter. She chuckles and sit up so she’s straddling me.
” Don’t do this right now , please. You’re still not strong.”
” I know right..” she wraps her arms around my neck. My hands secure her hips to keep her still. She’s trying to turn me on and I don’t want this right now. For God’s sake, she just got out of the hospital three days ago.
” Thanks.” She says.
” For?”
” For looking out for me. Not everybody could do that.” Her hand run down my spine as she tug my hair.
” You’re more than important to me.” I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer so that our chests are touching each other. I can feel her hard nipples pierce through the t-shirt.
My left hand trace her curves as I caress her hips and nuzzle her neck. She’s always so beautiful and pretty. I plant soft kisses on her neck to her earlobe as I continue to trail my hand down her spine. I pull my head back to look into her dark brown eyes.
I tuck her strands of hair behind her ear as I cup her cheek. She pushes her face forward and claim my lips. I smile between the kiss and kiss her back. It’s been long I kissed her and it feels like eternity. My mouth move with hers as her fingers tug at my hair.
She moans in my mouth as her tongue explore my mouth. She makes me feel a lot of things and every single day I’m always grateful I got her.
We arrived New York as Gray’s usual entourage brought the vehicles. Gray and I slide into one of his expensive sports car as we drive out of the dock. I missed my apartment , school , friends , even frat and i kinda missed Ryan too. I look out the window and sigh. I obviously got shot.
Most times it’s hard to believe that I’m ever gonna get shot after my first shot. I think that’s the price you have to always pay for dating a criminal. Gray’s mother’s birthday is this weekend. I’m nervous because of so many reasons.
She’s my father’s ex and I can’t even imagine her reaction when she finds out who I am.
” What are you thinking?”
” Nothing.” I say. Gladly this Russian gun fight ended for a while. I think they got the message Gray sent them. I know the fights aren’t ending anytime soon because they will be back sooner except Gray decides to kill moskov too.
Gray pulls the card to a stop in his garage and he steps out of the car. He opens my side door and help me out like I was actually pregnant. The thought made me chuckle as Gray shuts the door.
” And why did you laugh?” He asks and holds my wrist to walk me inside. I can’t even tell him why i laughed. It’s gonna sound like I’m in badly need of a baby. I really planned on graduating from college before getting a baby. Talking about baby , i really haven’t seen Leslie.
” Nothing. I’m fine. I need to check on my apartment today. Also I haven’t seen Leslie and i really wanna meet with my friends. It’s been like forever.”
I look around this familiar house and I’m seeing new faces again. They greeted Gray and smile at me. I hear voices from the kitchen and Alexa’s own voice is quite louder.
” Alex.” I call her name and lean against the kitchen door. She’s talking with Manny and Nick. I’m still thinking how she normally cope around Nick with Gray’s ‘no sexual relationship’ rule.
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