Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 201 – 210


I see Jhene and Gray walk side to side as they watches us. The shutter of a camera snap me out of my thoughts.

” You look so pretty.” She giggles and show me the picture she took of me on her phone.

” How come they like each other so much ?” I hear Jhene whispers. I raise my head to look at her and she scowls at me.

” Is she the pretty little Kennedy?” Alexa asks.

Kennedy turns to look at her like she just notice Alexa was standing beside me all this while.

” Hi. Who are you ?” Kennedy asks.

” I’m her cousin. You’re truly a badass, aren’t you?”

” Really? You shouldn’t curse in front of my daughter.” Jhene says as she grabs Kennedy’s hand.

” Mom…” Kennedy whines.

I stand up as Alexa eyes Jhene.

” Jhene, you don’t have to do that?” Gray butts in.

” Her so called cousin just curse in front of her. These are one of the reasons I don’t like bringing her here. You curse in front of her , including your workers and now this one too…” Jhene snickers and looks down at Alexa. Alexa is about to snap at her and it’s taking everything in her not to flip.

” I’m inside.” Alexa says and walks out.

Kennedy snatches her wrist from her mom and rush to me.

” I have a lot I need to tell you.” Kennedy giggles and snatch my hand as we begin to walk back inside.

Jhene won’t stop glaring at me.

” Why are you here?” Gray asks her as they walk behind us.

” I told you not to bring her here. I’ve been busy and I have a lot of shit to handle.” Gray says.

” Oh yeah. Maybe you should also deal with this one too.”

” Deal with what ?” I hear Gray asks.

” Damon is back.”



” Damon is back.” Jhene says.

I turn to look at them. They seem deep in conversation cause they didn’t know I heard. Considering the look on Gray’s face. Kennedy’s still talking not pretty aware of what they are saying.

” Damon went MIA, Jhene.” Gray says.

” Yeah?”

” Five years ago. The millitary couldn’t find his body after a year parole.”

Jhene chuckles. She bring out her phone and showed something to Gray. Gray looks at the phone and look up at me. His eyes meet mine.

” Go to the kitchen , I’ll meet you there.” I whisper to Kennedy. She looks at me weirdly and back to Gray and Jhene.

” Okay.” She says and go to the kitchen.

” He was seen in New Jersey. A friend saw him and took that picture. How could be back after leaving me for five years and he couldn’t contact me or his baby. My child needs a father Gray. Did you know what i usually tell her each time she asked about her daddy. He traveled. Five fuckin years. Do you know about this?” Jhene yells at Gray.

Gray shakes his head sideways and give Jhene back her phone.

” You know i thought he was dead. What’s wrong with you Carter’s!”

” Hey , this isn’t my fault. We all thought he was dead. You remembered how he left five years ago. A fuckin war and he didn’t return. My mother almost suffered depression and she spent a year in therapy. If he’s back I have no idea.” Gray says , he’s angry or maybe pissed.

” You have to find him. He owes Kennedy an explanation. Fuck’s sake she’s seven. And she don’t even know what her daddy looks like.” Jhene says.

Gray scoffs and nods.

” I heard Mia’s birthday is this weekend.”

” Are you coming?”

” And leave Kennedy with her nanny. And also I have a fashion line to handle. I’ve been feeling lonely since Meghan left. You didn’t even called to say hi after Meghan died , Gray. What type of person are you.”

I look up at Gray as he meet eyes with me. I huff and walk out of their conversation. How could he not call to check on Jhene after Meghan’s demise. Because he actually killed her. That’s really absurd.


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