Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 241 – 250


“Moskov?” I ask Gray and open his compartment to bring out a gun.

“Obviously. He might have sent that dude,” he says like it’s nothing.

We approach the bridge, and the biker increases its pace. I see him pull out a gun as he shoots my side mirror out.

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter.

“Breathe, princess. Wanna drive?”

“I’ll be fine.”

I wind down the window and peek out as I aim at the biker. He ducks and drives beside another car.

“Do you have another gun aside from a handgun?” I ask.

The biker shoots at the car as Gray swerves the car to the left. We lost both side mirrors, can’t see him anymore.

“Check the backseat,” he says as he increases the pace of the car.

The biker drives to the side of the car with his gun ready to aim. I pull the trigger and shoot him on the shoulder. He groans and falls off his bike.

“Good. Never seen you shoot outside of practice,” he says as someone shoots at the car.

“I thought it was just a biker.”

“There are like two cars behind us,” Gray says as he overtakes a vehicle in front of us.

I open the duffel bag in his car and pull out an assault rifle.

“Open the sunroof, will you?” I tell him as I load the gun.

The sunroof slowly opens. I stand on the center console of the car, and he’s right—we’ve got three cars on our tail aside from the biker. I aim at the car upfront and shoot at the tires.

“Careful, Tinkerbell,” Gray says as he handles the wheel.

The car jerks backward and slams into another car. The two remaining cars increase their pace, and the drivers pull out their guns.

“Oh shit.” I sit back in the car at once.

“Bend down,” Gray tells me.

I cover one ear and make sure I’m not open for any shots.

I see the bridge close by, and I don’t know why I feel relieved. They continue to shoot at the car as Gray overtakes every other vehicle. When the shooting stops, I stand back up and shoot at both cars, making sure both the driver and the passenger don’t survive.

A biker speeds to the driver’s side of the car, and I shoot at him. I sit back inside and push the button to retract the sunroof.

“You’re okay?” he asks as he looks at me.

I take a deep breath and relax my nerves. Two attacks in two days. This is getting too much.

“I’m good,” I nod and roll both windows up.

Before I can register what’s happening, a car from the side slams into ours, hurling it violently. Before I can pull out my gun to shoot at the other vehicle, headlights shine brightly against the windshield.

The car at the side slams harder against ours, and a bullet pierces through the windshield—right into Gray.

I scream as my head hits the dashboard. Gray is already bleeding from a gunshot. He’s passing out.

“Oh my God. Gray…” I sob.

The car hurls off the bridge, hits the barricades, and falls into the cold water beneath us.





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