Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 251 – 260


“Gray, you’re not fourteen. You need to calm down. I thought I lost you,” Mom says.

“Where the fuck is Ariel? How can I be sure she’s fine?”

“She’s fine, Gray. Nothing happened to her. She was only unconscious, and she’s not awake,” Reid says. “Alexa is with her. She will be fine.”

I sigh and take deep breaths. I caused this. I know what I was involved with, but I was selfish. I dragged her into my dark world, and she has gotten hurt a lot of times.

Doctor Hardy holds my wrist and drops it. He writes something on his clipboard.

“Do you feel any pain?” the doctor asks.


“Stomach?” he asks again.

“Fuck no,” I reply.

Damon scoffs and makes an annoying sound. I just can’t remember when last I got admitted. Aside from an accident that almost cost my life—and that’s like four years ago—now this.

A nurse walks in with a tray and an injection on it. The doctor takes the syringe and taps the needle. He pierces the needle into my arm and injects it.

“That’s gonna help you rest better,” the doctor says and turns to leave with the nurse.

Once the door is shut, I turn to look at Reid.

“Where the fuck is Moskov?” I ask Reid.

“Who the fuck is Moskov, Gray?” Damon asks.

“Not your fuckin’ concern,” I tell him.

“Gray, what is wrong with you? You almost lost your life and your girlfriend’s life. What does that even mean to you? Don’t you value your life?” Mom asks.

I can’t be calm except I end Moskov’s life. He has done more than enough, and I’m not fuckin’ resting except he’s six feet underneath the earth.

“Where is Moskov, Reid?”

“Manny and Carl have been on the pursuit since the day you got shot.”

“How long have I been out?”

“Three days,” Reid answers.

“Was this some sorta Mafia fight that almost cost your life?” Damon asks.

“Yeah. What?”

“I thought I’d lost you again, Gray. I had to leave Canada and come to New York when I heard you were shot and in a fatal accident with your girlfriend. Why can’t you give up this life?” Mom sobs.

Why is she acting like she didn’t date a drug dealer? Nobody leaves the Mafia. What’s their shit? Should I tutor them again?

“So when are you leaving the Mafia? Gray, you’re gonna end up dead if you don’t give up the mob. You’ve made a lot of money from the Mafia. Why not stop this bullshit and focus more on your girl?” Damon says.

They are pissing me off.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, man? What are you, fourteen? Should I start giving you rules about the Mafia? Blood in, blood out. Nobody leaves the Mafia, and you know it. The only way out is with a coffin. Dead, Damon,” I yell at him.

Reid places his hand on my arm to calm me down. They keep on acting like six-year-olds with their persistent shitty attitudes. Who leaves a Mafia?

Mom begins to cry, and I’m hurt again.

“Why not leave the country? Move out and don’t come back.”

“And why should I do that?”

“Because I don’t want to lose you, Gray,” she says.

Damon walks to her little form and begins to pat her.

“Nothing is gonna happen to me. I knew what I was getting into. I made this decision, and I’m gonna live with it. With time, I’m gonna retire.”

“And Ariel? What’s gonna happen to her?”

“She will be fine. I’m gonna look after her,” I say.

“Look after her? She’s unconscious, Gray. What type of looking after her was that? You shouldn’t have indulged her in your sick business even when you knew the risks,” Damon says.

“Sinclair was here. Why was he here?” Mom asks.


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