Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 31 – 40





“Boss, Trent is on the phone.” Manny says stretching my phone at me. I huff irritated , and butt the cigarette on an ashtray.
“Gray…” Trent’s thick voice speaks through the phone.
“What ?”
“What happened to our bargain , Gray ?”

“We’re still partners Trent. I’ll send my boys over to San Francisco tomorrow. You okay now ?”
“Yeah. I’m opening my new casino tomorrow. It’s gonna be a honor if you’ll be there.”


“I’m not your girlfriend, Trent.” I blow out the smoke of the cigarette as I rest my head on the couch.
“Gray.” Trent’s voice calls out through the phone.
“I’ll be there.”
“Sure thing.”

Manny hang up the call and drop the phone on the coffee table.
“Gray.” I heard that familiar voice as she walks into my house.

Her black tight skirt hugged every of her large figures as she fits perfectly on her white dress shirt tucked in her skirt. She throws a brown envelope on the glass table and sit opposite me.

“Hi Manny.” She smile at Manny as Manny nods.
“Good day boss. I got news.”
“Yeah ?”
“The Chinese are about striking a partnership deal with Vladimir , it’s a whole lot of money.

The guy in command of the Chinese is paying a lot of billions for just striking a deal with Vladimir. We’ve always wanted that.” Meghan says.
“Where did you hear that from ? I worked hard to take summit to Asia.”
She shrugs and pick up the envelope as she brings out pictures.

“Feast your eyes. They went to dinner in a five star restaurant in Buffalo. He’s in New York.” I sigh looking at the pictures.

“Fuckin prick. How the fuck did he get to convince the Chinese.” I sigh and toss the pictures on the table.
“Homeboy..” Reid smiles broadly as he walks into the living room. His hands stuck in his pocket.
“Shit! It’s been long buddy visited.”

“Hi Reid.” Meghan greeted with her usual seductive grin. She’s so unbelievable. Most times she forgets when she’s supposed to be serious and mix her seduction job with her boss. I remembered when she tried to seduce me to sleep with her.
I huff at the remembrance. That shit’s stupid. Who fucks their employees ?

“Reid ? You’re supposed to be in Miami.” I smile at him as he give me a quick brother hug. Reid’s my childhood friend and a partner too. We’ve been really close since highschool.

“Missed me ? Sup Megan ? You look hot as fuck.” Meghan roll her eyes at Reid’s remark knowing where he’s driving at.

” Hey Manny.” Reid said to Manny who’s been standing a bit far from the conversation. Manny smiles and nod.

“Woah. Vladimir..” he wince at the pictures on the table.
” On Friday night at your club in Miami , we caught a random guy who was bugging Lewis informations about you. Asking about Gray Carter.” Reid said as he drops the pictures on the table.

“For what ?” I ask unamused.
“I brought him to the warehouse in Buffalo and I fucked his ass up.” He stretch to get a cigarette and a lighter.” Dude’s working for that Russian motherfucker. He was sent to steal Information.”

“Same one every time.” Reid chuckle and take a long drag on his cigarette.

“Where’s he ?” Meghan ask.
“Still in torture. You need any favors ?”

I drop the last piece of the blunt and stand up. I shove my hands in my pockets and stare at view of the city through the transparent glass walls.

“Take him out.”


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