Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 31 – 40


I chuckle and slip my foot inside my shoes. I tuck my hair and sweep my hand down it to keep it tamed. I avoid looking at his eyes but it’s impossible. My eyes capture the lake down the hill. Gray’s eyes follows my stare and he caught what I was looking at.

“You wanna take a look ?”
“I’d like to.” I bite my lip and look back at this delinquent who’s already up. He takes my hand in his as we walk side by side down the hill.

I almost trip again for the second time in one night but Gray was faster. He sweep me off the feet as he walk down the hill with me on his arms. Oh shit ! Something is happening to my breath again.

This doesn’t feel good. My eyes meet his and he smiles warmly still holding firmly to my body on his hold. I silently gulp and absently lean my head on his shoulders.

He walks close to the lake as he gently drop me on the ground still holding slightly to me.

“You should get rid of those.” He said directly to my shoes. I chuckle and shrug shyly.

“I’ll think about it Mr Carter.” I smile and hug myself looking at the water and how it flows gently. I feel like getting undressed and drowning myself.

“Remember the first time we met ? When I sneak into your car ?” He ask me and I could feel him smirk even if I wasn’t staring.

“Yeah ?” I turn to look at his frame beside me as I drank in his glorious self.

“What were you doing at that side of town ?”

“Just touring.”
“Yeah ?” He chuckle.
“What’s funny ?” I ask with a totally different voice and i wondered when on Earth did I get that voice.

“Nothing. Just remembered the first day I saw you. It was at Georgia.” No way. My heart leap to my feet as I look at Gray who’s smirking at me.
“What ? You’re surprised ? You were with your mom coming out from a grocery shop.

I was sitting in my car when I saw you walk out giggling like a teenage girl. That was adorable.” He huff dramatically and nudge me gently.

I zoned out thinking about that car.
For sure there was a red car across the street. How am I supposed to see the occupant ? Yeah it was tinted.
“That was weird. I.. you.. know..

I..” I stutter thinking about the right word to say.
“So you were stalking me ?”
“Pftt , I wasn’t. It’s just a coincident I’m standing next to you staring at a lake. Superb right ?”
I sigh and hug myself tighter.

I couldn’t look at him or my shoes will betray me and I will fall right on my face kissing the ground. We were quiet for seconds till it was about to drizzle.

“You’re cold ?”
I rub my palm up my arms and look at Gray’s concerned look.
“Maybe. Stupid strap dress.” I mutter after the maybe. Gray heard it as he chuckles. He shrug out his jacket and wrap it around me.

“There. We should get you to the car.” He says as I breathe in his scent. I smile to his act and leave the jacket to hang around my shoulders. He shove his hands in his pockets as we turn back to the main hill.

“Am I supposed to carry you again ? Your shoes.” I snort out a laugh and shake my head.

“I’ll be fine.” I begin walking up the hill but this stupid shoes decide to embarrass me again.

“Caught you.” He whisper behind me with his arms wrap around my torso. I take in a sharp breath. I hate that I’m always affected by just his simple touch.

“Take them off. Will you princess ?” He ask still holding me from behind.
“Uh..” I stutter and strain my neck to look at him from behind. Great it’s already drizzling and this man behind me looks super breath taking with his messy hair.

I forgot I’m still in his grasp and my back is pressed to his front. He pull me back a little and squat to take my shoes off my feet. I hold his shoulders to steady my weight as Gray successfully remove my shoes and hold them.

“We’re wet.” He mutters and we climb back the hill with me barefooted. Without thinking twice I put on Gray’s jacket since it’s already raining a bit. His white T-shirt stick to his body and I couldn’t help but stare.

“Not the time princess. You have enough time to stare.” He smirks and before I could register his remark I’m being tossed on his shoulders. Oh God.


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