My hair covered my view as he walk a little fast heading to his car. We’re both wet and my dress is glued to me like another skin. He drop me on my feet and open his car for me to get in. I step in as he shut it.
I rub my fingers through my damp hair to make it stay in one place. Gray drops my shoes on the floor of the car as he fastens his seatbelt to start driving.
“Thanks.” I tell him as he darts his head to my view with his usual smirk. The ride was a bit faster cause Gray was driving beyond speed limit even in this raining weather.
I wanted to talk about his way of driving but seal my mouth. I watch the dripping of the water as it kiss his tinted window. I’m a bit cold and I’m grateful for his jacket.
My eyes snap to his figure handling the wheel with just one hand. The other hand works on his messy hair as he turn to look at me. Great Ariel , always caught in the act.
I shamelessly look away and bite my lips nervously. I fiddle my fingers and I heard Gray chuckle.
“Don’t tell me you’re laughing at me.” I whine and that made him chuckle.
“I’m not. Why were you called Ariel ?”
“Why were you named Gray ?”
“I don’t know. Maybe my eyes. It’s one of my favorite colors.”
“I noticed. It fits you.”
“So tell me why are you called Ariel ?” He bites his lower lip and watch me carefully before staring back at the road.
“I don’t know. But it’s a name of a holy city in Jerusalem.” He snorts out a laugh.
“Fuck me. I expect that. It’s one of the reasons you have a rosary on your rearview mirror.”
“You’re not laughing at me right. Stop judging me.” I scoff and look at the window.
“I’m not.”
“Yeah. So pessimistic.”
He sighs deeply and I could feel his eyes burn holes in my skin.
“You don’t have to get angry at me on my birthday.”
“What ?” I snap my head to look at him in disbelief. Today’s is his birthday!
“Why didn’t you tell me ?” I ask him and cross my arms.
“I just told you.” He smirks and pout like a silly kid. I smile and bite my lip.
“Wow. What if you’re lying ?”
” I’m not.” He Chuckles. He opens the compartment and showed me an ID.
” Wait. Jamal ? Your middle name is Jamal ?” I beam trying to snatch his card but he keeps it back glaring jokingly at me.
” Wow. Happy birthday Jamal.”
“Don’t say that in public.”
“What , you’re shy ? I didn’t notice you could ever be shy pumpkin.”
“Yeah really , pumpkin now ?”
“Whatever. Sorry i didn’t have your gift.” I bat my lashes and smile.
“That’s fine. At least I have you that’s what matters. Thanks for the date.”
My heart melt to his speech.
“Thanks too. Jamal.”
“Ariel..” he warns and I can’t help but laugh at his face.
“I love it. It sounds Arabic.”
“Yeah , it is.”
“You don’t look Arabic.”
“That’s because I’m not Arabic. My dad likes it.”
“Uh , now I wish I had a gift for you.”
“You could still give me one.” He muse.
“How’s that even possible ?”
“You could give me a kiss.” He said and wink.
No way , that’s not happening. I blush and look away from him. His car slows down as he halts the car in an underground parking lot.
“Let’s get you inside.” He step out of the car and open my side door for me. I step out clearly stained with embarrassment from his previous word. I can’t believe he had ask me to kiss him.
“Thanks.” I tell him as we walk into the elevator.
The ride was silent and uncomfortable for me. He’s always watching me like I’m the most important thing to watch.
I watch the buttons on the panel waiting impatiently to get to his floor.
Wait what am i doing ? Going to his house ? Another house ? I remember he doesn’t stay in a penthouse. I wanted to speak but the elevators slide open as we step out . I trust him maybe as I followed behind.
He tap in a code to his house as the door unlocked. I follow behind taking in the view. Wow , he’s obviously rich. This is out of the ordinary to explain.
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