Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 41 – 50


” Meghan where’s she ?”

“I don’t know. She was with me at the boutique and i couldn’t find her anymore. She just disappeared and didn’t tell me where she was going.”
Reid exchange looks with me before picking up a cigar and a lighter.

“What’s that supposed to mean ?”
” Boss I don’t know her whereabouts. It’s like…. I don’t know what to say.”

I pick up my phone from the coffee table and dialed her number. She’s not picking my calls and I push back the urge to drive to her apartment and have a word with her.

“What did you tell her ?” I ask after calling her several times and it was abortive.
“Nothing ..” she lie and it’s just obvious.

“Meg, what did you tell her ?” I yell at Meghan who seems unfazed.
” Woah , woah, man take it easy on her. Meghan did you tell her anything on not ?”

“I told her nothing. I only did my job and she was being too nosy and rude.”

“Get out. If I find out you said s*** to her , you’re loosing your job.”

She sighs and walk out.
“So you care so much about her ?”
“Dude, shut up.”
“Gray…” That all too familiar voice walks into the living. Good Lord what’s she doing here ?

“Look who decides to show up. Jhene.” Reid said dragging non-stop on his cigar.

“Hi Reid. Hey babe.” Babe ? **** me. How did I come to know her ?
“And I heard Trent’s hosting a party tonight. Still dealing with s*** with him ?” She asks and drop her bag on the single couch.

” What are you doing here Jhene ?”
“That’s rude. I just got back from LA and I sort of missed you . Plus Kennedy is coming over. She missed you and I also need money for her child support.”

“Yeah , daddy.”
“Don’t call me dad.” I snap at Reid. I really don’t wanna imagine how I come to know Jhene. Kennedy is the one thing I care about since she’s family to me.

“I can’t babysit , you know that right.”
“Get a babysitter. School’s on vacation and I’ll be busy with my fashion line. I have business to run.”

“Seriously Jhene. I also have business to run. I can’t look out for her.”

“Business ? I don’t remember you run one. Just fill up the space in my bank account. I took her to Disneyland and that s***ty place cost me a lot of money. And also mind your stupid language around my daughter. She’s been learning to much swearing from you. I can’t believe my 8 year old said the F-word because of you and you too Reid.”

She rolls her eyes and smirks.
“What do you want ?”
“I’m hungry and I’m horny.” She groan silently and climb upstairs.
“Most times I think I’m a dad.”

“Literally you are. I can’t keep up with her. It’s annoying you had an affair with her before your older brother went MIA.”

True. Jhene is my older brother’s baby mama. It was just a one night stand few years ago and she returned with a baby. He was choice less and had to play his fatherly role.

And now he’s gone , I’m basically the kid’s second family aside her whore mother. She always wanna make me look like the dad and I hate it. I don’t like kids , but Kennedy is a girl you can’t avoid. I had to pay half of her bills and that includes taking care of her too. I literally feel like a dad.

My ringing phone distract me from my thoughts and it was who I’ve always wanted to talk to.

“Ariel , what happened ?” I ask her on the phone.

“I missed your call earlier.” Her voice sounds faint on the phone.
“Where are you ?”


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