Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 41 – 50


I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I can’t believe Meghan told her s***. If not for her expertise , she should be fired by now.

“What happened ? What did she say to you ?” The background went silent for few seconds.

“I’m sorry..” I say to her after waiting for her reply.
“I’m coming to pick you up.”
“Gray don’t. I’m fine just tired.”
“What about the party ?”

“I’m gonna puke just being around people. What if I mess up ? What if I’m not compatible for you ?” I knew it. **** Meghan. Why would she look down on herself every second. It’s crazy she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.

“I’m sending my driver to come pick you up and someone better who’s gonna shop for your clothes. Look I’m sorry. You should come over and let’s talk this over with.”

She laughs on the phone.” You’re impossible Gray. I’ll be waiting.”
“Hope you’re okay with the press ?”
” Wait ? Really ?” She groan on the phone.

“I can’t handle the media. You’re popular and i don’t want to get myself involved.”

“So what do you suggest ?” I ask and she remains silent on the phone.
“I don’t know. Whatever that makes you happy.” She heaves a deep breath and I wish she was here. She drives me so ****in insane.

“Thanks. Get ready he’s coming to get you.”
“Gray..” she calls out after few seconds.
“Yeah ?”
She giggles on the phone.
“Nevermind..” she chuckles and hang up.

Did she have to.
“You’re crushing on her ? Gray you have to stop.”
“My dude , seriously, give me ten feet. Stop acting like the **** face you’re.”

“What ever thing you’re planning man, you should quit. You can’t run summit with some random girl.” I sigh and stare at my swimming pool through the transparent glass walls.
Random girl huh ?



Finally I agreed again. As long as I’m still breathing maybe I can’t really avoid Gray. A petite redhead dress me up for this mystery party with different types of makeup brush kissing my face every now and then.

She decides on a light purple strap dress that drops mid thighs and a killer glass stilettos.

I feel different with diamond necklace and earrings. Now I feel fake. Yeah it’s a party for the rich, you have to dress rich to fit in.

I wanna be me not this silly wears that’s gonna return to this closet after the party.

“They are all yours. You’re keeping them.” She said with her obvious Latin accent.

I watch her replace my black colored hair with a blonde wig. She slightly brush the wave and finish my makeup.
“All done.” She squeal turning my swivel chair to look at the mirror.
“No way.”

“Yes way babe. I’m a genius.” I watch the redhead through the mirror as she smiles.

I look different. Like some super model. Is this what you look like when a stylist dress you up ?

Someone else stare right back at me and that someone was so beautiful. The blonde wig fits my almost tan olive skin and I look beautiful.

I know I look beautiful but then this new Blondie that’s staring right back at me is different.

“Let’s go. Mr Carter is obviously waiting for you.” I stand up to my feet and almost trip on this heels but she hold me at once to keep me steady.

“Are you sure you can walk with this ?” She ask with a really stupid smirk.

“Yeah , thanks.” One wrong step and I’m on my face kissing the floor.
I follow her and she lead me to Gray. His eyes couldn’t peel off off me as I slowly walk to his figure avoiding falling and embarrassing myself.


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