All thanks to emotional troubles. Shit who’s this cute little thing ?” Piper brightens up as she reach to carry the dog.
“Her name’s Blue.” Alexa reply giving me a look that obviously says we’re not done with this conversation.
“Aww. She’s so cute..” Piper coo as she play with Blue including Brandon.
“Can I keep her ?” I ask Alexa. She roll her eyes and cross her elbow on the counter. ” I mean babysit her till you wish to take her back. I know she’s your emotional support dog.”
Alexa chuckles.” She’s just my pet. And you can keep her if you want.”
I mentally squeal and drop the pizzas on the counter as I open the first box.
“Pizza. Wow! Are we celebrating something ?”
“We look around the frat house and we couldn’t find you. Alex said you went home after your horny fuck face bestie showed up.” Piper says picking up a slice of pizza and stuff it inside her mouth.
“Yeah. We decide to stop by at pizzeria and bought this…” Brandon motions to the pizza boxes.
Alexa chuckles and get up to the fridge to collect orange juice.
“Feast away your hangover.” Brandon chuckle taking out a slice.
“We’re planning a sleepover tonight at ours. There will be Pizzas , junk food and countless movies on Netflix. So what’s up ?” Brandon ask , stuffing a whole slice in his mouth. Yeah , he’s Piper’s new roommate.
“I’m in. Bobby is not in the city and I’d love to come. What about you Ariel ?”
“Of course I’m coming. I really don’t have anything to do tonight.” I shrug and smile eating from the pizza box.
“And also , I’m planning a trip to Malibu on Sunday. We’re visiting Eva Glow to shop countless clothes for summer vacation. You all should come.”
Brandon and Piper squeal and I just laugh. A trip to Malibu , of course I’m not staying back.
” We’re visiting the beach if we could shop for clothes earlier. My six million followers need to see me glow again.” Alexa chuckle and gulp a large amount of the orange juice down her throat.
“I dare not stay back.”
“Me neither.” Brandon wiggle his brows and smirk.
“I’m not staying back either.” I say.
“Hey Leslie are you coming ? I’m paying for everything and that includes the clothes.” Alexa shouts.
“No thanks. I’ll be hanging out with Hazel.” She replies from the living room.
“She is super moody this morning. Did you fought with her ?” Brandon asks.
” Hell no. I really can’t fight with people. I think she woke up from the bad side of her bed.” I shrug placing the empty pizza boxes on each other.
“Buddy got laid.” Alexa wink and chuckle before getting off the counter stool to wash her hands.
“Your sister got laid ? That’s epic. Heard she broke up with Hayden.”
“How the hell did you know about her relationship with Hayden ?”
“Hayden is sort of popular in school. Hayden , Ryan , Maynard, Jim and a lot of them are popular guys in school. So breaking up with Hayden was a terrible news to behold. She’s an idiot.” Piper mutters and scoff.
“Hayden is sort of a player. So it’s natural she broke up first cause this badass buddy was definitely gonna break her heart either way.” Brandon adds .
“She needs a fuckin rich guy because she needs to be stuntin’. Hazel got Jim. Dude’s father is loaded and owns an underground basement club in college. Leslie can’t be left behind either.” Alexa mutters loudly as if trying to provoke Leslie.
I sigh and shake my head. None of this makes any sense as long as I’m concerned.
That evening, after taking my bath I got prepared for Piper’s sleepover. I obviously deserve one or I might die thinking about Gray again.
“You’re going out ?” Leslie asks standing beside my door with her arms crossed.
“Yeah. What ?”
“And where are you going ?”
“Leslie , the last time I checked you’re not mom. Since you choose to know , I’m going out with the girls for a sleepover. Are you okay now ?”
“Sleepover ?”
“You heard me correctly.” I scoff and brush my hair before tying it with a band at the back of my head.
” Mom called that she’s coming over tomorrow for a visit. I know you know what that means. Your Malibu visit is cancelled.”
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