Before I could blink , Gray pulls out his gun and shot at both guys. I don’t even know how he did that. I whimper and squirm at the hold of this Russian demon. He chuckle , maybe to the fact that Gray killed all his back men.
“So she’s worth it huh ? You killed my men for the hoe ?” Vladimir asks.
” Vlad , no more shit talk. Leave her the fuck alone.”
“What if I don’t ?” He ask and smirk devilishly. Gray shot his arms as he wince letting go of me.
I quickly hide behind one of the cars afraid to watch any bloody scene. Who’s he ? How can I be so naive to know nothing about him.
I heard grunts as I raise my head to look at the scene. Gray slams Vladimir against his car as the windshield shattered.
He toss Vladimir to the floor and watch Vladimir closely. I’ve never seen him like this before. This wasn’t Gray , maybe some clone or something.
” Next time you tell your dildos to stalk me ever again. I’ll be killing without thinking twice.” He scoff and raise his head to look at my already broken self.
His face soften at my sight as he made his way to where I’m leaning already soaked with tears.
“Don’t touch me..” I sniffle and stand to my feet moving far away from him.
“Ariel , please not now. Let’s get you home.” I shake my head sideways. He isn’t the one to easily bulge. He sighs defeatedly and with one single movement , he lifts me on his shoulders.
“Gray put me down..” I shake my legs continusly and hit his back.
My eyes meet this already dead men and Vladimir is nowhere to be found.
Halting his motorbike in my apartment , I quickly hop out and turn to leave. His grip on my arm made me stop and I’m forced to look at his pale face with so much emotions.
I made sure I didn’t look at his eyes. It’s like a soft spot for me and I end up doing a lot of silly things without thinking.
“Don’t walk out on me.” He says sternly , hand still gripping to my arm. I try to free from his grasp but he pulls me to himself.
“Let me go. You’re scaring the little life out of me. Gray I watched you killed someone. That was the least thing i expected from you..”
“He was gonna take you away…
from me.”
” Who was he ? Why where those guys trailing us ? Shooting at us ?”
He shrug his shoulders and keep quiet.
“So you’re not gonna talk about it ?”
“What do you want me to say ? I don’t know.”
“Gray he called you worthless and a thief. You knew who he was and why he was after you. Was he the guy Reid talked about ? That he was stalking you for ages now.” He bites his lip and nod.
“Then why does he want me ?” I ask , getting really tired because of this conversation. I wanna run far away from him and maybe hide underneath my bed. He’s definitely gonna find me. As usual.
“I don’t know okay.” He yell.” I can’t answer your questions. It’s not important.”
” You’re just a liar. A manipulative liar. How could you be so selfish ? Gray, I saw you pull out a gun. Shot more than five men. What’s that supposed to explain ? You know what , let go of my arm.”
” Tinkerbell.”
” Leave me alone. I don’t even know who you’re. Just let me go. I don’t wanna be here with you.” I sob and sniffle.
He pulls me to himself and wrap both arms around my waist. He nuzzles my neck and breathe in my scent.
“Don’t walk away from me because you saw me shot someone.
I don’t wanna loose you and I won’t stop shooting people for you.” He move his head backwards to stare at my eyes. He’s not getting it. I wanna go to bed and assume nothing happened.
” I need to go.” I pull away from him and run into my apartment.
It didn’t take me long to get to my room. I walk past Leslie who’s watching TV with Hazel.
“You’ve been hanging out late again.”
“Leslie , shut your shit mouth and mind your business.” I scoff and unlock my door.
“Did she just talk back at you ?” I heard Hazel’s voice from the living room.
“Bitch been slamming a good nigga lately. Sooner or later , I’m gonna fuck her ass up.”
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