Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 71 – 80


I toss my bag on the couch and go through the fridge to eat something. Leslie isn’t back from class and I’m totally worried over her new attitude. I made toast and eggs and eat up. I rinse off the plates and tiredly retire to my room. I’m still hoping for an internship and Ryan is totally helpful.

I get undressed and step under the shower with Gray taking over my thoughts.

I’m glad we’re okay with each other but why do I always feel different around him. Basically he calls me his girl what’s that supposed to mean. I sigh and switch off the water as I step out of the bathroom to change. I slip on my pajamas bottom and a t-shirt as I go back to the living room.

The doorbell rings and I turn to get it. Leslie doesn’t ring the bell she has her own key and Gray doesn’t knock either. He’s too fucked up upstairs. I twist the doorknob and Gray is standing outside looking gorgeously breathtaking.

“What happened ?” I ask and step to the side to let him enter.
“What happened ?” He repeats my question.

“Gray doesn’t knock or ring the doorbell..” I shut the door.” So what happened to you today. You’re always a sneak.” I cross my arms and eye his delinquent figure.

” I learnt my lessons.” He smirks and lean closer to me.
“I missed you.” He says and tuck back my loose hair and pull me to himself.

“Is that why you knocked today ?” I muse and trail my hands down his chest.
“Let’s go out.”
I sigh and rest my head on his chest. Truly I’m scared. The last time we went out , we were being shot at.

“If you don’t want to, is fine. I’m gonna stay here with you. That’s if you don’t mind. Your sneaky sister.”
Who cares about Leslie ? He lifts me off the ground as I wrap my legs around his waist. My left hand rest on his shoulders while the other play with his hair.
“You look cute.. what’s this mark ?” I ask and brush my finger above his eyebrows.

“Did you fight with someone ?”
“I don’t fight ,Tinkerbell.”
“You got a mark , Jamal.”
He grimaces.” Don’t call me that..”
I roll my eyes and run my fingers through his hair. I lean my lips closer and let it brush past his a little. ” What you gon’ do Jamal ?” I smirk and raise my brows.

I bite my lips and stare into his grey orbs. And now I’m getting wet just looking at him with me on his hold.
He smirks back and drop me to the floor. His palm spank my ass as I’m being pulled to him.

I wrap my hands around his torso and let him kiss me as he want. He cup my ass and kisses my lips deeply as I return the kiss.
” I feel like eating you up.” He murmurs in between the kiss as he bites my bottom lip.

“What are you waiting for ?” I reply and wrap my hands around his shoulders.

“Ariel.” Leslie’s voice startled me. I turn to look at her as shock flash through her face.
Her clutch fall off her hand as she gape at us. Oh great , what’s gonna happen now ?

“Gray…” She stutters and blink her eyes. Gray’s hand is still around my waist and he doesn’t look bothered. For some wonderful reasons , I’m glad she barged in on us.

” Hey Leslie. Meet my boyfriend, Gray Carter. Gray meet my nosy ass sister , Leslie.” I introduce them with a wide smirk. I can’t wait to watch her freak out.

” Hi.” Gray tells her.
“No way..” she mutters and crash to the floor.
Great ! She fainted..


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