Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 71 – 80


“Tinkerbell.” That voice. I’ve missed it so much and I hate to admit it.
He has basically stole my senses with him.

” Hi. I just wanna make sure that you’re okay. I’m still mad at you though and I wanna be sure that you’re okay. maybe you should be careful where you go lately.”
“What are you talking about ?”
“It’s not important. I’m here , he’s not gonna hurt you. I won’t let him.”

” Who Gray ? Wait , the Russian guy with the name Vladimir ? Gray why’s he after me ?” I whisper yell hoping the guys didn’t hear my conversation.
“Stay safe Tinkerbell.” With that he cuts the call.

I groan and bite my bottom lip. Why can’t I have a permanent happiness. I mean someone who makes me happy , I actually pushed him out because I was scared about myself. Maybe I’m just selfish. I go back to the living room and plump down on the couch. The guys are watching a movie on Netflix.

“This semester is coming to an end. We need to quit partying for now. Exams are close and I need a fuckin good GPA.” Brandon says munching a bag of chips.

“Yeah. All agreed. I’ve repented though.” Alexa mutters eating from the bag of chips.
“So says Lucifer’s bride.” Piper scoffs and that made us laugh.
” Oh come on babe… Oh hey guys. ” Leslie halts at the sight of us.

She’s with Hayden. I remembered the cute redhead who wanted to woo me at a club the night i bumped into Gray.
“You guys are back together ?” Piper smirks and turn properly to look at the couples.

“Leslie I thought you said you’re a virgin ? You’re sleeping out now ?” Alexa asks , eyes still glued to Hayden and Leslie.
“Look guys it’s …”

“It’s what ? You’ve got a boyfriend now ? I thought you said you don’t like him because he’s broke and you wanted someone who drives an expensive car.” I say.

” Ariel , really ?”
“Babe what’s going on ?” Hayden asks as his eyes meet mine. He’s uncomfortable.

“Wow ,nice photo..” Brandon mutters staring at the screen of his phone.
” Hey Leslie , what do you think it’s gonna be your parent’s reaction once she sees this photo of you and Hayden. Chill she won’t freak out , I’m a good photographer.” Brandon says and wink at them.

Leslie’s face turn instantly red. Hayden turn to look at her clearly taken off guard.

“Later Leslie.” Hayden mutters and walk out. Leslie bites her lip hard and face us. She’s angry as hell.
” Really guys ?” She begins.
“Bitch who’s your guys ?” Alexa counts her words.

“Take a chill pill sister. Your room is down the hall.” I scoff as we turn to face the TV.
She huffs defeatedly and head down the hall.
“What’s up with Gray , Ariel ?” They ask.

I bite the inside of my cheek and sigh. I don’t wanna talk about it. Cause the more I think about it , the more I see myself running down the street to visit him. Tell him that I’m sorry for calling him bad luck. What has he done to me ?
” Ariel. Girl you zoned out.”

I sigh ” I’m sorry, thinking about exams.” I lie. ” He’s fine. Why are you guys asking about him ?”
“Why do I feel like you’re lying ? Did something happen ?” Alexa asks. I hate it that she knows me too well.

“Alex , nothing happened. I can’t handle Gray. He’s just too… I don’t know. Maybe perfect. I’m not comfortable around him. The press and his personal life , everything about him is hard. I can’t breathe..”

“Basically, you don’t know what you want ?” Brandon asks , blinking his eyes at me.
“I’m complicated. I don’t really know what I want.” I admit and it hurts.

One part of me wanna be with him. That part doesn’t even care if he just shot someone or not. That part is willing to accept every inch of his dark world. That part wants to meet him so badly and let him do to me whatever thing he wants.

But then there’s the other me , who’s just being careful. Scared to be hurt and abandoned. It seems the world doesn’t care about anyone and I wanna be careful without ending up in pain. Pain that I can’t handle.
“He likes you.”

“How did you know that ? It’s not like you’ve seen us together Piper.”
“He bought you a diamond bracelet. That shit’s expensive as fuck.” Alexa utters with her evil smirk.
“What ! Really ?” Brandon says and sits properly to look at me.


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