Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 91 – 100


No way !
” What are you talking about ?”
He smirks and chuckles.” You should ask him if you want. We talked and he said a lot of shit. I’d be careful around Gray if I were you.”
I swallow an unknown lump and pull my chair backwards.
” I’m gonna leave Freddie.”
” Why ?”
I sigh and shake my head.” Nothing.”
” Alright. I’m gonna give you a call.”

I give him a faint smile and stand up. ” See ya around , Freddie.” I shove my hands into my pocket and walk out of the restaurant.


Nick leans against the car smoking his cigarette. His eyes light up as he sees me. He throw the cigarette on the floor and step on it , squeezing it with his shoes.
” I’ll ride princess.” He smiles and slide in the driver’s seat.

I chuckle and get in the passenger seat and fasten my seatbelt. Nick drive out of the lot in his own terrible speed. I lean against the seat and thought about what Freddie said. ‘ we’re family.’ what type of family ? Are they cousins ? I can’t believe my ears.
” You’re okay Hermosa ?” Nick asks.
” Yeah , thanks. So you speak Spanish ?”

” Yeah. Dad’s Spanish though.”
I nod and stare out of the window. The rest of the ride was terrible for me cause I won’t stop thinking about what Freddie said.

It’s like he was speaking in parables. It’s evening and I’m sure Gray would be angry at me. Nick drive into the garage and halts the car as we step out.

I throw my bag on my shoulders and walk into his house. His house is always guarded by this weird men with suits and frequent cold stares. Lucifer is the only normal one and Manny too.

I stop by at the kitchen to drink water. Sarai is sitting across Kennedy on the kitchen island scribbling on a notebook. I stay beside the door and watch the blonde haired.

She’s sort of weird and double weird. She’s got this cold vibe just like Reid. I look down her body and eye her outfit. She wears a rip Jean high waist shorts with a crop top hoodie.

Her tanned back is in display because of her choice of outfit. Kennedy glares at her as she look up at me. Her mood changes and her lips won’t stop curling into a smile.
” Ariel..” she hop out of the stool and rush to me.
” Woah.” I squat to her height and hug her.

” You look pretty..” I say to her and caress her hair. She giggles and drag me to the stool. Blonde haired won’t stop eyeing me.

” Your eyes are gonna fall out if you don’t stop looking at me like that.” I tell her and lean against the counter as Kennedy sits down.

” Whatever.” She rolls her eyes and look down at the book. It looks like Kennedy’s.
” Don’t worry Sarai , Ariel is here , she will help me with my homework.”

” I thought you wanted me to.” Sarai retorts.
” Yeah ,Thanks. My best friend is here.”
Sarai takes a deep breath and turn to look at me. She looks mad or something worse. She scoffs and get off the counter.
” Suit yourself dickhead.” Sarai mutters.

” Yeah. That’s why you can’t solve my elementary school math problems , dummy.” Kennedy mutters.
I throw my head backwards and laugh my ribs out. I think Sarai heard it but couldn’t intervene. Kennedy’s gonna kill her with her mouth.
” Kenny , that wasn’t cool. You made fun of her.”

” I don’t like her. Always like to cross boundaries with Gray. She’s not intelligent. She’s been battling with my math problems for ages.” Kennedy scoffs and push her notebook to me.

I get off the stool and go to sit on the opposite stool. I open her books and chuckle at the solution Sarai wrote out. Most were terrible while others are better. I pick up a pencil and tutor Kennedy.

” I need to change my dress.”
” Sure. You need to make an apple pie for me. The maid who usually cooks for Gray won’t come today.”
I nod and help Kennedy with her books before leaving the kitchen.

I climb upstairs and open Gray’s bedroom door. I step in and shut the door looking everywhere for Gray. A music is playing through his stereo in a normal volume. I keep my bag and walk to the bathroom hoping to see Gray.

I perceive the faint smell of a cigar as i step on the bathroom. Gray lays inside his bathtub with steam coming out of the water. He butts his cigar on an ashtray close to the tube. He didn’t see me and obviously he looks deep in thoughts.

I contemplate on what to do , so I watch him.
” You won’t just stand there all day Tinkerbell.” Great , he saw me.
He turns his head to the side and smirk at me. He drops the butt of the cigar on the ashtray and smiles at me.

” Get in. You owe me a lot of explanations.” He says.


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