Written by Faith Nda ??
Episode 26

Elsa’s POV
After saying those words to Aurora, she just stood up and left without saying anything to me.

I knew I’d hurt her, she went to the guest room and locked herself up in there.

I knocked and knocked for her to come out but she didn’t.

I know she loves Peniel unconditionally, but having sex with him so fast is what I actually didn’t approve of.

Well I guess I shouldn’t have said something like that to her, Aurora is so emotional and words hurt her real bad.

I just hope she forgives me and open up anytime soon.

I sat in the living room watching TV when the door bell rang.

I got up to get it and I was quite glad seeing Davies at the door.

“Hey bes.” He cooed kissing me lightly on the cheek before coming in.

“Hey” I simply said as I walked away from the door, dropping myself noisily on the couch.

“Are you okay? And by the way, where’s Aurora??”

” That’s the problem! I said some really hurtful things to her and she wouldn’t talk to me, she’s locked herself up in the guest room all day!! ” I said exasperatedly.

” What?? ” Davies shrieked. ” What happened?? ” He asked.

” You wouldn’t understand Davies”

“Take me to the guest room” davies said as he stood up.

“She wouldn’t open up, I told you she locked herself up” i said.

” Don’t worry about that, I’m an expert at stuffs like this” Davies said.

And with that, we found ourselves heading to the guest room.

“How do you open this?” I asked him as I folded my hands beneath my chest.

” Don’t worry, just watch” with that, he hit the door so hard that it fell off its hinges.

Right inside the room, was Aurora laying her head on peniel’s chest.


Davies POV
I was shocked and angered at the sight before me.

Who’s this dude!!??

And I thought Elsa said Aurora was alone in the room.

“Who are you!” I was forced to asked.

Instead of answering, he and Aurora just kept staring at me like I was a lunatic.

That infuriated me the more.

But I must confess, the dude is totally handsome, if he’d had been a girl, he’d had been considered gorgeous and breathtaking.

I walked forward towards them and yanked Aurora from him.

“What are you doing with my girl??” I asked again but he just kept gaping at me.

” Let me go Davies” Aurora said as she struggled to get off his hold.

“Who’s he Aurora?? And what are you doing with him alone in here?? ” I asked Aurora but she kept trying to free herself from my hold.

“He’s the guy I told you about” Aurora said still struggling as my hold on her was intense.

“Hey you!! Who the he¢k are you!!” I shouted referring to the beautiful guy.

As usual, he just gawped at me.

I made to charge at him but I couldn’t move, it was as if I was rooted to the ground.

I looked up and caught him with a smirk plastered on his face.

“I’ll come for you later.. and you..” I said as I turned to Aurora,” you’re coming with me, I’m not okay seeing you with this wierd guy”

I made to drag Aurora towards the door but I suddenly felt myself being lifted above the ground, I was scared as hell.

“What is happening!!” I yelled in a frightful voice.

” Omg! ” I heard Elsa exclaim.

Suddenly I landed on the floor with a thud.

I heard Aurora gasp.

Turning to the weird guy, I saw him walk to Aurora as he drew her closer to himself.

“I hate sharing what’s mine!” He said at last.

I couldn’t help but stare in shock.



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