Eleanor’s Home:
The next morning, Samira went to the kitchen to drink water when she saw Eleanor smoking quietly by the window side. She was facing the window so that the smoke coming out from the cigarettes won’t be inside her kitchen.
“You’re awake already?” Samira asked.
“Yes.” she answered and faced Samira. “We need to go talk.”
“Talk? Early this morning? Okay, talk I’m listening,” Samira said and saw how Eleanor’s face is, “I hope there’s no problem?” She asked folding her arms.
“There is a problem Samira, you need a smoke?” Eleanor gestures for the pack of cigarettes on the window stand.
“Told you, when I give up on something, I give it up for good.” Samira told her.
“Last night I went out with Hiro and we met Osiris Wilderwood.”
“What!” Samira yelled which Eleanor expected that would come out from her.
“You heard me, it was unexpected and I didn’t know we were going to meet them.” Eleanor continued.
“Them? I thought you said you only met Osiris and not them.” Samira said.
“Relax, it wasn’t Zinedine, it was another Alpha with Osiris and it was Hiro who looked for their trouble. He is a troublesome child, Samira.”
“Whether he is a troublesome child or not Eleanor, that’s not the point, the point is you took him outside and he met Osiris of all people.”
“How would I know we are going to meet him? Besides I told him to stay put beside my bike and before I would return he went up to meet them and was talking to them as if he had no fear in him, note that I wasn’t packed close to them so I didn’t know they were there in the first place.” Eleanor explained and raised an eyebrow when Samira took and lit up a cigarette. “I thought you said you will never smoke and that you can’t go back on your words.”
“Now isn’t the time to joke Eleanor, I’m serious here.” Samira said. “You know what this means, right?”
“No I don’t.”
“I have to run away again, saying away from that family is my number one priority.”
“Why would you run away? Aren’t you tired of endlessly running? You seem to have forgotten who you are, Samira? Let me remind you, you are very good with swords, you are very skilled and you are Mr King, one of the most dangerous assassins out there just like me, so why are you running? Have you forgotten what you are? Zinedine and his father should be the one running and hiding and not you.”
“You’ve forgotten the deal I had to kill Lucius eight years ago, I have a child now and I wouldn’t want anything to happen to my son or that would put you in danger.”
“Where is Mr King that I know and fought once before?”
“She is dead, gone and buried.”
“No, she is still right there.” Eleanor pointed towards her heart. “Buried deeply and trying to get out.” she added.
“If you have a child you will do anything to protect that child from harm and that’s what I am doing to Hiro, I don’t want him to get involved in what I do so if running away is the thing that would keep him safe from my world, I would do it.”
“Is running away the answer? Have you ever thought how Hiro would feel if you decided to run again? Why don’t you stop running, turn and face your fear and remember I am always beside you, I will make sure no harm comes your way.” Eleanor assured her.
“But you did when you made Osiris meet my son, he would have recognized him almost immediately. Zinedine or he would start searching for him by now. If there is one thing that Osiris hates is an insult from someone who is not his family.” Samira told her.
“I covered his face before we went out so Osiris wouldn’t be able to recognize him. I wanted to go alone but he begged me and I agreed, you were sleeping. If you were in my shoes you’d do the same.” Eleanor said to her.
“I won’t take chances.” Samira said and threw the remaining cigarette in her hand out of the window and left the kitchen and headed towards the guest room. Coming back here was a mistake, she could have chosen another country to hide.
She saw Hiro was awake and was pressing Eleanor’s laptop, he stopped when he saw her.
“Good morning mum.”
“Morning my sweetheart, hope you slept well?”
“Very, so well mum.” Hiro smiled.
“Have got news for you Hiro.”
“News? What news, I love hearing news.”
“Well I don’t know if you will like this particular news but we will be leaving this house and country tonight.”
“Eleanor told me what happened between you and those men last night.”
“So? I didn’t kill them or do you want me to kill them.”
“They are dangerous men, especially the one you had provoked, I wouldn’t be surprised if he is searching for your whereabouts as we speak and killing them, you want all his people searching for us.”
“He is not dangerous, mum, I can take him down for you if you want and I am not afraid of how many people he has behind him. I didn’t look for his trouble, he was the one who looked for my trouble first.” Hiro told his mother, plus, he could see Zinedine in the old man, there was no mistaken. “Wait, don’t tell me you are scared of that old man, mum, don’t be, I am right here with you and will protect you.”
“You are just seven years old and you don’t know what protection is.”
“Mum what I am trying to say is that I like it here and we should stay here but if you insist you can go alone while I stay with auntie Eleanor,” Hiro said and closed the laptop before getting up from the bed.
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