???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

By Nelly


Finally they arrived at their destination, they came out of the plane to meet the beautiful and serene view of an island

Zane led Annalise while the others walked behind them, they got to a black limo that awaited them, a man that was in black bowed when he saw them

“Welcome boss” the man greeted and Zane nodded, the man opened the car for them

They all got in and the car drive off

Annalise looked around through the window in awe, she turned to Zane who had his eyes on his phone

“Zane this place is beautiful” she said and he glanced at her

“You like it?” He asked and she nodded

“I’m glad you do” he smiled ruffling her hair before facing back to his phone.

They arrived at a huge mansion with glass walls, everything screamed of wealth

Annalise began to wonder just how much does this husband of hers has, how rich is he exactly?

He led her inside and Annalise gasped, if the outside was huge the inside was most definitely more massive, it looked like a castle in a TV show

A brightly lit chandelier stood at the high ceiling but it still light the entire sitting room, it had only two floors though

The ground floor and the first floor but they were both huge, the house had maids walking around and being instructed by an elderly man that looked about Smith’s age

The man came to Zane and bowed

“Welcome sir” he greeted and Zane nodded

“Where’s Marissa?” Zane asked, just then a woman came out, she looked like she was in her early fifties, she was black and had a bright smile on her face

“Zane” she smiled pecking Zane’s cheeks, since Zane was taller he had to bend for her to be able to reach his cheeks

“How have you been?” Zane asked

“I’ve been good” Marissa replied and her eyes caught Annalise

“So this is your beautiful wife” Marissa said moving to Annalise who smiled

“Good day ma’am” Annalise greeted and Marissa held her cheeks fondly

“Aww she’s so cute and likeable, I like her already, you have good taste” she said and Annalise blushed while Zane laughed

Two maids came and took Zane and Annalise belongings upstairs, few more came for Frenchie, Gary, Kai and Layla’s bags too

“You all go and freshen up, dinner is almost ready” Marissa said.

Zane took Annalise upstairs while the butler led the rest to their various rooms, the house was big enough so everyone got their rooms separately but Layla and Frenchie decided to stay together

“Ohh so soft” Annalise moaned as soon as her back touched the bed
“Zane is that woman your aunt?” Annalise asked Zane who was taking off his shirt, her cheeks flushed as she turned elsewhere

“Not biologically but I take her as one, I grew up here and she has always taken care of me since my mom was too busy”

“You grew up here?” Annalise asked and Zane nodded

“I bought it later on and now basically, I’m the owner of this place” he said and Annalise Jaws dropped in shock.

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

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