MY SECRET ANGEL: Episode 1-10

My secret Angel

Episode 1

By Jennifer Owens

Kim’s POV
My name is Kim Sertori, I’m the dullest girl ever in Boston according to people except my dad who always considers me as an angel .

My mom died the day she birth me so I grew up with only a dad and he’s all I’ve got.

I bring him trouble everyday and he hasn’t stop paying debts caused by me.

” Tésomormita” I screamed as I continued running.

It’s my first day in school and I’m already late, missed the bus and now I have to run to school thanks to Tyler.

Tyler is my dream crush, I spent the night imagining me and him together so I slept late that’s why I’m late now.

I kept on running until I got to Mr King’s shop. His stuff is always blocking the way and anytime I pass, I always break something. I raised one leg up carefully so I can cross the vase on the floor but my other leg still kicked it so I ran faster before Mr king would come out and hold me like a thief.

“I’ll come to your house for the money” I heard Mr king scream.

I got to the school already sweating like a Christmas chicken, I brought out my map and located my class.

A teacher was already in the class teaching as I could see the class from the glass door.
I slightly opened it and took only my head in.

Everyone looked at me.
” annyeonghaseyo” I greeted and went in fully.
“you are” the teacher asked
“a transferred student ” I said.
“coming late on your first day does feel good ” the teacher said and everyone laughed.

“Introduce yourself ” the teacher said and I nodded and turned to face the class.

I looked at their faces one by one and I felt my heart explode and my eyes widened when I saw him.

” Tyler!! ” I screamed and everyone looked at me confused then burst out laughing.
“your name is Tyler or you are calling Tyler ” the teacher asked and I nodded yes then nodded no.

“I um I Tyler is… I am kim” I said and slammed my lips together.

“go get a seat” the teacher said and nodded.
My star shined today coz there’s a spare seat in front of Tyler.

“Appa, I’m sorry, enrolling me here is the best thing you’ve ever done coz my angel is here” I said in my mind.

I sat down and the teacher continued teaching.
I couldn’t stop turning back and looking at Tyler.

I forgot that I’m in class as I turned and watched Tyler like a movie.

He sighed, held my head with one hand and turned my head to face the board which made everyone burst out laughing.

I couldn’t still stop looking at him and smiling.
“kim” I heard the teacher yell and I ran to her.

“um ye yes” I stuttered and everyone laughed again.
“go to your seat” she seethed.
I shyly walked back to my seat and sat down.

“stand up ” the teacher yelled.
I sprung up immediately.
“what was the last thing I said concerning what I’m teaching ” she asked.

OMG! What’s even the topic, I wasn’t paying attention coz I was busy staring at Tyler.

“um you said…… um……..what did you ask me again……. Ah the last thing you said…….um that Tyler is cute” I said it like a question smiling and everyone laughed again.

Ah why can’t I stop being foolish.
“sit down and pay attention this time” she said and I nodded.

After some few lectures, we went out for lunch.
I ordered the food I could afford and took my tray in my hands eye searching for Tyler.

I was busy looking for Tyler that I bumped into someone and my food poured on the person’s clothe.

I looked up to see an old man, bald head, red eyes and wrinkled face.

“OMG I’m sorry bald head man……i mean wrinkled face I’m so sorry” I pleaded bowing my head.

“Bald head man, wrinkled face” the man asked and I nodded positively.
“ah I mean no, I’m so sorry sir please forgive me” I said and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I reached another part of the school and stopped to catch my breath.
I won’t go for the remaining lectures, I’ll just wait here till school close and I will tip toe behind Tyler to know where he lives.

After some hours, school finally closed and everyone started coming out in duos and trios.
I sighted Tyler and smiled.

I trailed behind him quietly until I heard some girls say “that’s her, Kim Sertori, the new pig who’s going gaga for our Tyler ” I stopped on my track and turned.

Pig? Me? Kim? Sertori?
I glared at them and folded my hand into a fist and brought it out like I was going to punch them so they ran away.

I looked back but couldn’t see Tyler again.
OMG I’ve lost him.
I searched all the school compound but couldn’t find him.
How could I loose my angel.

I ordered a coffee and went upstairs to the school ‘s balcony and stood looking down.
“aiish ” I scratched my head in frustration.

I looked at my coffee that I dropped on the wage where I rest my hand.

I pushed the coffee with my hand out of frustration and I watched it go down and landed on the head of a student.

The person looked up and OMG it was Tyler.
“you” he said between gritted teeth and I bent down to hide.

I stood up again to look at him but he wasn’t there but at the stairs climbing up to meet me.

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