???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

By Nelly


“Come here” he said stretching his arms wide

She took slow steps to him, her cheeks were crimson red already

He stood up and walked to her back, holding the tiny straps at the neck of the dress that formed a basket like design

“You know what I’m planning to do on our trip” his voice was low, his breaths brushed against her skin sending shivers down her spine

“W… What?” She stuttered gulping hard

“Those legs..” he trailed placing wet ksses on her back, she shuddered

“I plan on banging you so hard and rendering those legs useless” he whispered, his deep voice did some unexplainable things to her

“Lisa… Lisa” Annalise jolted to reality when she heard her name

She looked up at Zane who was standing in front of her, her heart skipped beats

She flushed when she realized she had been imagining such…. Gosh… Such bad things

“What were you thinking about?… Hmm?” He asked walking closer and she moved back awkwardly

“What?” He asked

“N… Nothing”

Zane wanted to ask more but the butler came in at that time

“Sorry to interrupt sir but the car is ready” he said, his look was grumpy

“Great” Annalise said and rushed out with red cheeks

Zane creased his brows in confusion, what was going on with her??…

Through out the drive to the airport Annalise never spared Zane any glance neither did she talk to him, she only paid attention to her phone.

They arrived at the airport and Annalise ran to Layla and the rest that stood outside the airport


“Hi.. why are you hugging me today when you have a husband” Layla asked with a smile

“Please play along I’ll explain later” Annalise whispered back

“Frenchie” Annalise waved and beckoned her to come over

“Hi Anna” Frenchie smiled going over to them

“Zane” Gary said giving Zane a handshake

A man walked towards them, he looked intimidating without a smile, he has sun shades on

“Is it ready?” Zane asked

“It is” the man replied

“Let’s go” Zane said and they all walked inside

They stopped in front of a jet

“Zane… I thought we were flying…”

“This is my jet so we’re going with this”

Annalise, Layla and Frenchie stood awestruck

“Are you all just gonna stand there?” Gary asked and they came back to reality.

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 51 – 60

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