???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 81 – 90

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 81 – 90

By Nelly


Annalise walked outside slowly with her eyes on the paper she had in her hand

She… She was pregnant?, H… How

Her mind drifted back to what the doctor had said when she explained how she had been feeling for the past weeks

“You have mood swings?” The doctor asked

“Yes, a lot like almost all the time, I pity my Zanie most times” she replied pouting

“And cravings?”

“Yeah they too and right now I want ice cream”

“You throw up?”

“That’s the main reason I’m here, hey how did you know all of this?”

“I’m just gonna run a test on you to confirm if my suspicions are right”

“What suspicions are you talking about doctor?”

“I’ll just run the test” the doctor said smiling

She was three weeks pregnant?, Talking about the amount of sex she and Zane had had… It’s been pretty much especially when Zane was home during the weekends

And it’s been almost a month since they left the island

“D… Does that mean there’s something in here?” She asked herself touching her stomach

Annalise walked to the roadside and took out her phone from her purse, intending to call the driver to pick her up when her purse got snatched from her

“What the h’ll?!” She yelled in anger turning towards the running thief

“Hey, get back here you mother fkin jackass, poor slithering id!ot” she cursed loudly running after the thief

He already gave her a long distance but she wasn’t ready to give up, at least not yet, he took a turn into a street and she lost him, she gasped for air as she had run a long way

Soon she heard muffled screams and heavy footsteps coming, it was a man

She recognized him as the man she had bumped into at the restaurant weeks ago

“This is yours I presume” the man said dangling her purse at her

“Oh yes, thank you very much” Annalise exclaimed delightfully, she hugged the purse immediately the man gave it to her

“You seem to have run a long way, you’re sweating” he said and she touched her wet forehead

“Oh well, I ran from the hospital nearby”

“Please allow me to give you a ride to wherever you’re heading to” he offered but she shook her head

“There’s no need for that, I’ll just call my driver”

“Just accept this as a you repaying me for saving your purse” he said again and she couldn’t decline

“Alright, thank you”.

???’? ??? ?? ??????? : CHAPTER 81 – 90

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