Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 71 – 80



God what’s happening to me ? Where did I even go wrong ? Just when i want to be free from guys drama , Gray walked into my life with his dark world filled with mysteries.

And then i try to walk out, Freddie’s back asking me to go on a date with him. A date. Holy christ.
I shake my head sideways and get off the stool.

Freddie grab my arm and I was forced to look at him.


“It hurts to watch you walk out of my life. I’m stupid i know but , I want you to think about us.” What’s left to think about ?

“See ya around Freddie.” I snatch my hand from his grip and walk back to our table with my bottle water .

Piper is squealing loudly. Clearly she’s drunk. Brandon wasn’t there as I take my seat.

Alexa dance to the song playing as she whip her hair. I’m stuck with two drunk friends and I’m responsible for driving them home.

“Piper you need to stop drinking. Just drink water.” I sigh and push my bottle water to her.
“Damn. Do you know my mom’s likely a woman ?” She slurs as she lean on her hand on the table.

“She had say , Piper , don’t date boys, they all have peanuts in their pants and they won’t hold back to pop your cherry…” She slurs as she chuckle with Alexa.

“You guys are drunk.”
“Oh come on. We’re in your man’s club , so breathe.” This time it’s Alexa.

“Yeah , Gray. You’re so fuckin lucky you’ve got such a powerful man wrapped around your finger , while i can’t even have my stupid hair band wrapped around my finger.” Piper continues to spit out gibberish.
“Yeah right. Oh fuck I feel like twerking..” Alexa chuckle.

“Yeah me six. Do you know mosquitoes can’t breathe ?” Piper jabbers.
“Yeah and they can fart too. Tiny little bitches…” Alexa adds as they high five each other. God ! being drunk is annoying.

It reminds me of the day I drank cock demon and I had to call Gray hot. Yeah , literally he’s hot and i even wanted us to get laid. Thank God I don’t remember a thing.

“Damn , girl I need to twerk for this dumbass bitches..” Piper stand up at once and flip her chair backwards cause she staggered.
I groan loudly and hold her still. Where on Earth is Brandon ? Always disappearing in clubs.

“Hey yo bitches. Watch me fuckin twerk !” Alexa yell on her voice. I didn’t notice she’s standing on our table ready to display.

“Alexa get down..” I mumble.
She ignore me and smirks at the crowd that’s already gathered to watch her.

” Go girl..” Piper shouts as Alexa position to display. She places both her hands on her knees as she starts to twerk or whatever.

The crowds cheered her while others record the scene. Piper didn’t waste time to join her.


“Oh my God.” Alexa groans with an ice pack on her head. She’s hungover because of too much alcohol from last night.

I don’t wanna talk about how I drag them upstairs. Brandon Piper and Alexa where all drunk and it was hard. I had to carry each of them to my apartment since I can’t drive them to their houses.

“I’m never drinking again.” Mutters Piper.

” You said that three weeks ago and you end up in a frat party clearly bathed in alcohol. You both look terrible last night at tavern’s.” I scoff and sit down on the couch to eat my cereal.

“Yeah. I’ve become more popular. Some dumbass dick recorded my twerking video and now I’m all over the internet. Stupid technology. My Snapchat is trending like a goddamn virus.”

“Yeah , my IG followers increased overnight. Maybe we should consider drinking all the time and making twerk videos.” Piper suggests with her ice pack pressed to her forehead.

” Holy hell Piper.” Brandon chuckles.
” I’m not drinking. I’m gonna be like Ariel. For Pete’s sake , I found myself in a restroom clearly hungover.” He groans since he had a migraine.

“My head is playing chess with me. It’s like a rollercoaster” Alexa murmurs, fully spread out on the floor.

“Sorry sis. You’ll be fine.” I tell her and get up to wash my plates.
My phone rings as i stretch to get it. Gray is calling.

I sigh and pressed the phone against my ear. It’s been a week since I last heard from him.


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