Chapter 6

“How did it go?” Collins asked walking closer to Dean

“I told you to get me an effective sedative!” Dean shouted at him

“That’s what I bought” He retorted ru-bbing his head

“Jeez. I almost bang the b*tch” Dean said and entered the car while Collins stayed behind

” You wanna take the public bus?” He sm-irk and he (Collins) quickly got into the car

” You’re annoying” Collins glared and started the car

“I’m still your boss,,,, you wanna get fired” Dean furrowed his brow at him

” Tch, as if” Collins scoff loudly before driving down the road



¶ next morning¶

“Collins?” Dean called while ma-ssaging his numb ne-ck

“Collins” he screamed and Collins fell from the bed, hitting his bvtt h@rd against the floor

“What?! What?! What’s your problem Dean?” he yelled while ru-bbing his bvtt

“Take me to the hospital.. My ne-ck feels numb” Dean replied and Collins sigh frustratingly

“Living with you is nothing but h’ll” he breath out and grab Dean’s hands

“I will take a bath first” Dean said, looking at him

“What?? You expect me to bath you?” He asked and Dean nodded

“Wow, you must be ¢razy” He said, yanking dean’s hands off his

“Please huh?” Dean pouted

“Are you ¢razy? What if mom sees us?” Collins shuddered

“She won’t.. Dean replied caressing him. “Please Collins” he pouted and immediately the door burst opened

They both look at the direction of the door only to find Brittany

Collins quickly push him away and he landed heavily on the ground

“Urg” he gro-an in pain.

“Good morning mom” Collins greeted

She turned to dean. “How was your date with Chelsea?” She asked

“Mom, you just ignored me” Collins grumbled playfully

“Sorry cutie” Brittany said pulling his cheeks lightly

“Hope you slept well” She asked with a smile and he nodded happily

One will think Collins was her own child.

“Am I invisible?” Dean asked as he struggled to stand on his feet

“No darling. You aren’t. Infact I came to ask you how you spent your night” she said walking to him

“Mom.. I bet you won’t ask me to go on a blind date again after you hear this” he said and played the voice record with him

He didn’t want his mom watching him make out with Chelsea, so he had to convert the video into audio

“How could they?” Brittany growled after hearing the voice record

“They’re gonna rot in jail” she added and made to stump out of the room but Dean held her back

“Mom. Pls,,,,, Don’t confront them, Just tell them I already have someone in mind. Let’s not complicate things ” he said calmly and she burst into tears

“It must have reminded you of that gold digger” she cried engaging him in a hug

“It’s fine mom. Let’s not talk about her” he stro-ke her hair gently

“Come here Collins.. mom said and Collins joined the hug

I’m sorry son.. Brittany said as they all dis£ngage from the hug

“I’ll pa-ss by the house after work ” Dean said, taking the stairs

“Don’t if you are coming with just Collins. You are only allowed to come home with my daughter in-law” she replied

“Alright Mom, I will see you when I clock 30 then” he replied walking fully into his room

“So when are you gonna introduce your wife to me?” Brittany face Collins and he smiled sweetly at her

“That won’t work on me.. you two are my sons and I need grandchildren” she said again

” Soon” was the only thing Collins could say

“I’m becoming impatient” she snapped and stomp out of the house.

Collins ruffled his hair as he watch her leave.


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