By Mide L.


Marcus looked between the two women before settling on Katharina. A faint smile crossed his lips.

“Miss Beauty” he whispered and Katharina smiled.

Natalie looked at Katharina with confusion.

“Who are you why is Marcus looking at you like that, and why the hell is he calling you that?” She flared up but Katharina wasn’t paying attention to her as she smiled, relieved to see Marcus was okay.

“How dare you smile?” she snapped. “Leave!”

She pointed to the door, her hand shaking. Katharina’s smile faded, but she didn’t move. Marcus kept looking at her, his eyes weak but locked on hers.

Katharina left afterwards, satisfied that Marcus was okay. Marcus’ eyes stayed on Katharina until she was gone.

Natalie went to Marcus’ bedside and she kissed his forehead, her lips making loud smacking sounds.

“Stop” Marcus whispered weakly, But Natalie kept kissing him, her lips moving to his cheeks, nose…

“Stop, Natalie” Marcus whispered again, his voice very weak.

Just as she was about to kiss him on the lips, the door burst open and Mason and Madison came in.

Mason and Madison’s eyes widened in shock as they took in the scene before them.

“Whoa, big bro! You’re awake!” Mason exclaimed.

Madison rushed to his side pushing Natalie in the process, her eyes scanning his face.

“Oh my gosh, we weren’t expecting you to wake up so soon!”

“When did he wake up?” Mason asked Natalie.

“Few minutes ago” she replied before she turned her gaze to Marcus who was starting to close his eyes.

“I need to inform mum and dad about this” Madison said, bringing out her phone.

Natalie rolled her eyes at the twins before leaving the room.



Katharina got home really late and was surprised to meet Mrs Gray in the living room, obviously waiting for her and she sprang up when she saw her.

“Katharina! Where have you been?” She asked immediately.

“At the hospital Marcus was admitted,you heard about the shooting at the charity gala right?”

“Yes and that got me worried sick for you. Emily was waiting for your arrival too but she fell asleep in the process,so I took her to her room to sleep”

“I’m sorry for stressing you”

“It’s fine. So how’s the state of Mr. Marcus?”

“He’s fine now”

“That’s good then. I think I need to get you a phone to know about your whereabouts and besides you will need it for personal use”

“OMG! Thank you so much,I really appreciate it” Mrs. Gray smiled.

“I’m just glad you’re safe, dear. And don’t worry about stressing me, I’m just happy to have you here with us”

“Thanks, Mrs. Gray. That means a lot to me”

“It’s okay. You should get yourself something to eat from the kitchen,I’m going to bed now” Mrs Gray yawned and she exited to her room.

Katharina headed to the kitchen, her stomach growling with hunger. As she rummaged through the fridge, her mind wandered back to Marcus and what he called her back at the hospital,she couldn’t help but smile.

“But who wants to kill that handsome man?” She asked no one in particular.

Just then, her mind went to Elara and she stopped what she was doing.

“I wonder what’s going on in the palace after my disappearance,is Elara safe?” She asked no one in particular again,she knows her dad very well and they might hold her responsible for her disappearance.

“Fuck! Why didn’t I think of this?” She slapped her forehead,she was too engrossed in escaping that she didn’t think of the consequences and what it might cause Elara because she’s going to be the first suspect.

“I hope she’s fine,but why I’m I feeling she’s not?” She left the kitchen and she went to her room, thinking of what to do.



Princess Calantha got out of the carriage, looking beautiful and regal. She wore a pretty white dress and had a basket of fresh fruit in her hands. The guards at the palace gates bowed to her and greeted her with respect.

“Welcome, Princess Calantha. Please come in”

Calantha smiled and thanked them.

“I’m here to see Prince Henry. Where is he?”

The guards nodded and led her into the palace. Calantha walked gracefully, her basket of fruit in her hands.

The guards led Calantha to the prince’s quarters. They finally stopped at a door, which one of the guards opened with a bow.

“In here, Princess” he said.

Calantha entered the room, and her eyes widened in surprise. Prince Henry was kissing a maid passionately, his hands tangled in her hair. Calantha cleared her throat to announce her presence.

Prince Henry quickly pulled away in embarrassment.

“Ah, Princess Calantha! I wasn’t expecting you”

The maid curtsied and hurried out of the room in fear.

Prince Henry composed himself and turned to Calantha, his eyes meeting hers.

“Princess, please, tell me… have you heard any news of Katharina? I’ve been worried sick about her”

“Actually, Prince Henry, that’s why I’m here. No traces of Katharina at all and the King is so furious. He even ordered for the execution of Elara, Katharina’s personal maid”

“That’s her luck,I hope Katharina comes back soon” he said and Calantha rolled her eyes.

“Why did you accept the arranged marriage?”

“I don’t know,I can’t refuse the king and queen and again I’ve been crushing on your sister for a long time”

“What do you see in Katharina that makes too like her?

“Her kindness, her beauty, her grace… she’s a true princess”

“I can be all those things and more, you know. I can be better than Katharina”

Prince Henry’s eyes widened, clearly taken aback by Calantha’s words. “Oh?”

Calantha leaned in.

“Yes, I can be your partner in every way, not just in title. Katharina may have your attention now, but I can make you forget all about her”

Calantha’s lips met with Prince Henry’s, a soft, gentle kiss that left him frozen in surprise. For a moment, he didn’t respond, didn’t even breathe. Then, something seemed to snap within him, and he kissed her back, his lips matching hers in a passionate embrace.

“Wow,I didn’t expect that” he said when they stopped kissing.

“I told you I could be better than Katharina” she whispered.

Here’s the next part:

“You know, I’ve been crushing on you for a long time now. I was so heartbroken when my father announced your marriage to my sister”

“Calantha, I had no idea. You’re the last person I expected to feel this way”

“I know, I know. It’s wrong, isn’t it? But I can’t help how I feel. And seeing you with Katharina, it’s just so… hard”

“Calantha, I… I don’t know what to say”

“You don’t need to say anything” she said and she planted a kiss on his lips.



Elara looked terrible and why not? She hasn’t been given any thing to put into her stomach, not even water. Her still alive is a big miracle for her. She was chained to the wall, her clothes torn and dirty. She barely had the strength to lift her head when the door opened.

“Please,are you here to set me free?” She asked and the guard sneered.

“You’re lucky to be alive, traitor. But your luck runs out tomorrow. You’ll be executed unfailingly tomorrow”

The guard turned to leave, but Elara’s weak voice stopped him.

“Please… have mercy… don’t let them execute me… I’ll do anything…”

“You’re lucky to be alive, traitress. You’ll get no mercy here” he sneered and Elara’s eyes filled with tears.

“Please… I’m begging you… spare my life…”

The guard laughed. “You’ll get no mercy here” And with that, he turned and left, leaving Elara in darkness and despair.

Elara’s eyes filled with tears as she realized her fate was sealed. She would die tomorrow, and no one would even care. She thought of Katharina, hoping she was safe and far away from the palace even though she was the one who put her in this mess in the first place.

Elara whispered a faint prayer, hoping someone, somewhere, would hear her plea for mercy.

Just as Elara’s hopes seemed lost, the door creaked open again. A figure cloaked in darkness entered, their face hidden behind a hood. Elara’s eyes widened in confusion as the figure approached her.

“Shh, don’t make a sound,I’m here to save you”

Elara’s eyes strained to see beyond the hood, her mind racing with questions. But the figure’s face remained hidden.

“Who are you?” Elara whispered.

The figure simply shook their head, their gaze fixed on hers.

“No time for questions, Elara. We must leave. Now”





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