Estella had a weird look on her face as she stared at her mathematics textbook, not understanding a single thing.

It was like trying to read Chinese language writing with a very bad handwriting..

“That’s final… Books isn’t meant for me” She closed her textbook and pushed it aside.

“How many times will I tell you that each time you don’t understand something, make me know” Rudy said, settling down next to her.

“Oh babe” Estella said.

“Babe… I love the sound of it” Rudy smiled.

Estella smiled and stood up then sat on his thigh and hugged him tightly..

“I missed you so much” Estella gushed and Rudy hugged her back.

If someone told her that this was the Estella that shun and ignored him, he couldn’t have believed it.

“How’s your sister?” Rudy asked, touching her hair.

“She’s fine. She got discharged days ago and wouldn’t stop asking about Whitney when I told her she was alive.” Estella smiled.

“I’m glad.. My mom wants you to come over” Rudy said and the smile on Estella’s face fell..

“Mrs Veronica Lewis aka the psycho mom? No, I don’t think I’m ready.. No” Estella immediately shook her head and Rudy laughed.

“C’mon, she doesn’t bite… Well sometimes she does but she’s cool” Rudy said

“What if she doesn’t like me about my past and-”

She was cut shut when Rudy kssed her lips. He broke the kss shortly..

“Told you I’ll kss you each time you try to talk about your past right? Besides..

It’s in the past, what matters is the present and future” Rudy said and Estella slowly smiled.

“She says you come on Sunday which is tomorrow” Rudy said and Estella nodded then hugged him again tightly.

“I love you!!” Estella gushed without knowing and Rudy’s eyes widened.

He slowly smiled and hugged her back then kssed her hair.

“I love you too… More than you could even imagine” He said with a voice full of emotion.



Well, plans got changed and Alex asked her to come over on Saturday which is tonight.

Abbie got to his condo and rang the bell then began pacing to and fro.

“You got this Abbie… It’s just a fking sx so you shouldn’t be this worked out for nothing… You got this!! You got this, you-”

Abbie paused when she heard a faint chuckle. She slowly turned and her gaze locked with that of Alex who was leaning on the door with an amused look on his face

“So are we gonna discuss on the fact that you’re scared of sx or the fact that you actually know the password to my house but still rang the bell” Alex raised a brow with an smirk on his lips.

“Uh.. Uh..” Abbie took in her lips and looked down in embarrassment.

Alex smiled and took her hand then kssed it before pulling her in

“I’m sure you’ve heard an ear full from your mom before coming over.” Alex chuckled.

“Not really, I left before she came home… I’m not ready for her tantrums” Abbie shrugged.

“That means you haven’t yet eaten.. I was just cooking so we can have dinner together” Alex said.

“You can cook? Wow” Abbie said.

“Of course! I love cooking, it’s actually fun..” Alex said.

“Come let’s have dinner..”

“You’ll need that for what I’ll do to you later” Alex whispered to her ears.

She chuckled and hit his chest playfully. They both went to set the dining table and afterwards, they had their dinner while taking turns to feed each other.



Alex walked in the room with Abbie in his arms as he kssed her lips slowly but intensely with her arms wrapped round his neck.

The room was dimly lit with the candle lights placed at the four corners of the room.

Scented petals of roses were spread everywhere round the room, even on the white sheeted bed giving it this romantic vibes.

He gently placed her on the bed and then broke the kss to look her cute and innocent looking face. He smiled and rubbed his thumb on her swollen lips.

“Sunshine, it’s my first time” Abbie whispered..

“I know, don’t worry.. I’ll make sure you never forget this night and my touches too” He said sincerely yet that sounded so seductive and sxy to the ear.

He bent his head and kssed her neck scking on it, making sure to leave a love bite there. Abbie closed her eyes and bit her lips.

His hand traveled slowly up to her back and he slowly unzipped her gown before peeling her gown off her body…


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