ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 21 – 30

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 21 – 30
By Naomi Cindy B
They got to Fiera and are left with how to locate the actual place she is
“It should be a cartel, and cartels are built far from the main town, you know the remotest place here?” Paxton said
” I’ve not been here before so I don’t” Brandon replied
” The time is past 10, we’re losing time” Paxton said, checking his wristwatch
Brandon rested his elbow on the car bonnet frustratedly, her cries for help sounded in his ears again and he jerked up
“Paxton we need to do something and I have no idea!, The Millions are messing with my brain” he said
“Calm down it’s fine, I’ll just Google it” Paxton said
Brandon sighted a guy just coming out of a pharmacy and went to him
“Dude, do you perhaps know the remotest area here?” He asked
The hefty guy who has tattoos allover his arms tucked a pack of CD into his pocket before answering
“Piss off, do I look like a direction board?” He scowled and left him
Brandon held him and pulled him back to the spot
“Tell me what I asked!” He yelled
“Are you crazy!’ the guy yelled back and Brandon lost patience, he punched him hard and he staggered
He made to pun¢h back but Paxton appeared and held his fist like it’s plastic
“Fk off!’ he ranted
” I don’t have your time, I’d have wasted you right here!” The guy said and made to go again but Brandon pulled out his gvn and placed it on his head
“Brandon” Paxton said
“Look at his right arm” Brandon said and Paxton looked at it
In the middle of the guy’s numerous arm tattoos, there’s MILLIONS right there, Paxton understood immediately and brought out his gun too before the guy can retaliate
“You’re one of The Millions gang” Brandon said
“So what?” The guy said
Brandon smirked and shot his leg, he fell in pains
“Sht!, Sht ba$tard!’ he screamed in pains
Paxton held him up though his leg is bleeding already
He was pushed into the car and forced to say the road, when he’s not saying anything, Brandon shot his second leg and his arm at the same time
“Aarrggghhh!!!!” He yelled in agony
“Your eyes will be the next if you refuse to talk” Brandon said
” Take the left corner!, Go west after driving for ten minutes then drive into the alley, after getting out of the alley, it’ll lead to a street, drive straight till you get to a Catholic church, the cartel is just beside the Catholic Church, built in form of a magnificent mansion…oh my leg!” The guy screamed in pains
Paxton drove according to his direction and when they got to the cartel, Brandon shot the guy on the forehead, he died completely before he got out of the car with Paxton
“Let’s go” Brandon said, leading the way to the door
He opened the door and they both went in
“Who the fk are you guys” one of the numerous hitmen said
” Your boss, bow down son of a bastard” Brandon replied and started his shootout with Paxton
The hitmen gave them back to back but maybe they’re not as professional as Brandon
He shot as if he has been training for years and Paxton is more like an assistant, he shoots when needed
Brandon combatted when needed and threw knives when needed too, shooting till he brought down everyone in the room
They got to the next room and met no one but they heard thudding of footsteps from the room beside the one they are
Brandon opened the door with his leg and they rushed in to meet about two hundred rooms
They can hear muffled sounds coming from one of the rooms so they started opening doors for about twenty minutes
“There’s no end to these doors!, Shit!” Brandon ranted, opening another door and surprisingly, Nirvana is right there, tied to a chair with several hitmen in the room with her
It’s obvious she sees nothing cos she’s staring blankly at nothing in particular
The most fearful thing is that…..the heftiest is pointing a gun at her head directly
“Drop your gvns, raise your hands, failure to obey, I’m shooting her” he said Immediately they entered
Brandon slowly dropped his gvn and Paxton did the same, the hitman laughed victoriously
“Finally you’re caught… Zelda’s weapon, doctor Brandon Greg” he said, still pointing his gvn at Nirvana
“Doctor?, Doctor Brandon?, Doctor” Nirvana said, searching with her hands in her sitting position
“Shut up or I’ll shoot you!” The voice of the one pointing the gvn yelled
” Capture the both of them and lock them up till Lord Stone Millions will come tomorrow” he ordered
Brandon is dwelling in great anger right now but he’s aware that any mistake he makes might cost her life so he tried his possible best to chill
Two of the hitmen approached them and made to lay hands of them but a gvnshot sounded twice, they both got shot and went down Immediately
Brandon looked at the door and saw Reagan standing there gallantly with her gvn in check
The one holding Nirvana tried to make a move but Reagan targeted his arm and shot directly at it
He fell heavily and couldn’t move, the remaining men rained bullets but Paxton joined Reagan and they retaliated boldly
Brandon rushed to where Nirvana is tied down to and when he saw her wounded thigh, he felt guilty, only God knows how she manages to make him feel guilty at any bad thing that happens to her
He untied her and took her glasses from the floor then wore it for her
Reagan and Paxton are still shooting with the remaining men, the whole room is flooded with blood already
“Doctor Brandon” Nirvana said, crying immediately she saw his face
“Little thing are you ok?” He asked
“No I’m not ok, my leg hurts a lot, they slapped me too and I’d have been raped if you did not come” she replied tearfully
” I’m so sorry this happened to you because of me, I’m sorry” he said
She hugged him immediately and never let go for a very long time
“Please don’t tell me to stay away from you again, I promise not to be a crybaby anymore, I promise not to be a disturbance anymore, I promise to behave mature, just don’t tell me to avoid you I can’t do it” she said in his arms
Brandon slowly hugged her back and heaved. “It’s all ok now, let’s go” he said
By now the gunshots has died down and both Reagan and Paxton stood and just watched them
Reagan watched with mixed feelings but if saving Nirvana will make him happy, maybe she just did the right thing
“I’ve been following you guys since you left your house” she said to Paxton
” How brilliant, thanks a bunch Reagan” Paxton smiled
Nirvana found it hard to stand up cos of the wound on her thigh,it hurts
“What did they do to make it get wounded like this?” He said
” An hot metal, they placed it on my…
“It’s ok” Brandon interrupted,not wanting to hear it anymore
“I can’t walk,it hurts so much” she said
Brandon looked at her for a while before heaping her in his arms
“How come you’re so lightweighted when you eat a lot” he said
Nirvana only dipped her face in his chest, happy to be in his arms
They left the cartel and on their way out, Paxton sighted a keg of petrol which he kicked and all the contents poured down
Immediately they got out of the cartel, Reagan lightened a matchstick and threw it inside the cartel, it caught fire immediately and started burning viciously.
Brandon placed Nirvana in the back of the car gently and made to go to the front to sit but she held him
“Sit here with me…. please doctor” she said
“Why?” He asked
” I’m scared” she replied, still holding the arm of his shirt
Paxton smiled and sat on the driver’s seat, Reagan entered her own car
“Thanks partner” Brandon said and she nodded
“It’s ok, I’ll always be there for you” she smiled and drove off
Brandon sat beside Nirvana and she smiled as the drive started
“We have to get her home as soon as possible” Paxton said
“No I’m not going home tonight, you can take me home tommorow but I’m not going home tonight” Nirvana replied
” Why? Think about your grandma ” Brandon replied
” She’ll only cry, she won’t die” she replied
“You’re going home, no objections” Brandon replied
“If you both take me home, I’ll tell the cops it was you guys who abducted me” she said
” Are you fking kidding me?” Brandon said
” No, take me to your house to avoid problems” she smiled
“Can’t believe this is coming from a girl who just promised to stop being a bone in my throat” Brandon muttered and Nirvana smiled, rested her head on his shoulder
” I’ll drive you guys to Brandon’s house, don’t worry daughter” Paxton said from the front
” Ok dad” Nirvana replied and slept off
Paxton drove in through the back road so no one noticed till they got to the house
Brandon helped Nirvana out of the car and she kept smiling like a baby
“Take care of her” Paxton said
“Never knew you can handle a gun, I should really stop judging a book by it’s cover” Nirvana said in Brandon’s arms
“Silly little thing” Paxton laughed
“Thanks for coming with my Greek god to save me” she smiled
“I’ll see you tomorrow Don” Paxton waved and drove off
Nirva smiled and held firmly to Brandon’s neck so she won’t fall as he walked in, he pressed his password and the door opened
“1191, copied” she said
“Don’t come to my house whenever I’m not around” Brandon said and she giggled
He took her to his room and dropped her on the bed
“Nice room” she said, looking around
“Shut up” he replied, getting the kit containing his home treatment equipments
He sat on a stool in front of her then took her leg and started treating her wounded thigh, she was smiling all through
Feeling his hands on her legs seems so unreal but it’s still real
“Ouch!” She winced as he wiped the wound with treated wool
“I’ll dip the wool in your mouth” he said
“If you do that I’ll kss you” she replied in a babyish voice
He looked up and met that look on her face, he smiled widely
“You’re naughty” he said
“You smiled!” She squealed
” Whatever” he replied, gently applying treatments on the wound
“Thanks for saving me, that fleeting moment, I thought I’d die till you appeared” she said sincerely
He looked up and gently dropped her leg after patching it
“Thanks for staying safe till I arrived too, you were abducted cos of me” he said
” I want to be abducted again cos of you so you can come again as my prince charming to save me” she replied
” You’re crazy” he replied.
“I know, when you’re in love,you behave crazy” she replied
“What will you eat?” He asked
“Spaghetti and meatballs, two plates” she replied
“I know, I can’t order a plate for you” he replied and suddenly took off her glasses
“Doctor I can’t see a thing” she pouted
“Go for surgery” he replied
” I don’t want to” she replied.
” Why?” He asked
” I’m scared” she replied
” You need to go, stubbornness Won’t help” he replied
” I’ll go for surgery if you promise to marry me” she replied..
” When last did you go for mental check up?” Brandon said.
ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 21 – 30
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