BELIEVE : Episode 11 – 20

[the girl he never noticed?]
adesola adeomowole.m.
This food,I hope I won’t get killed by it. She is always acting nice each time she wants to do evil.I stared at her,no words.
she shot a glare only me understand.
“this ev!l girl won’t still eat” she said. My father shot me a glare,he so much honours onome.
“I will eat” I said,humbly and used my hand to pack a better quantity of Abacha(African salad). I poured it back and stood up.
“mama am coming,I want to urinate” I lied and ran out without permission. I washed my hands first and strolled out to heaven knows where.
I made sure I took much time before going back home,by then they would be done. I came back and met onome outside the compound discussing with her best friend.
“that food you better go and eat it”
Onome said.I nodded in agreement and went in.
I sat cross legged on the floor. If this is my destiny, am here to rewrite it.
I used the oil in the salad to rub my lips,next I passed backyard to pour the food away.
I strolled inside to drink water,onome came in with some parcels.
“have you eaten it?”, she asked.
“yes mama” I replied and showed her the empty calabash.She stared at my lips and saw the oil.
“my store is opened,join my servants in doing the works” she said.
“then after that,you have mats to sell, my store needs floors and walls washing….after that,move to mama mmesoma’s store until she releases you…I heard her servants ran away”
onome said.
I took a deep breath as I listened to all what she’s saying.
“the floors,make sure they are neat and all the mats must be sold today” she said with so much superiority.
“mama,a these works for just one person… chimoo, don’t let me die before my time” I exclaimed.
She grabbed a pestle,I ran back wards first then I ran out totally to the market.
hmmm,I forgot to pack what I will use for clean up.I ran home again, thank goodness onome already went out…
I entered inside and relax,after that I packed my share of cloths..
when will I even have rest of mind, all I know is Adeife work…work work.
who knows if am paying for the wind I committed in my previous life?
I sigh and arranged my things,I noticed a cute bre@$t tube on olamma’s bed,It has gold’s on each edges,I started imagining how it would look like on me,very pretty…
Those classic girls already insult me that have never worn one before which is the truth.
Not even onome is still alive.
I will make sure I buy one for myself today,let me look sexy for my creator even if it is for 3mins.
in my dreams!
I got to Onome’s store and joined her servants.Though,I still did most of the works.The floor washing made me look sooo dirty.
I also moved to her friends store and did everything.
There is no difference between them, both of them are birds of the same feathers.She was even ordering me around like she owns me.
She didn’t release me until evening..
Nkem passed by in the market with some royal guards, I saw him and hastily hide beside Old Nana’s store because I look so dirty.
“my FRIEND! i heard his voice,I turned and he was behind me.
“I’m…I…I…” I stammered and covered my face. It’s ugly.
“stop doing that,it doesn’t fit you” he said. I shifted back..
“sir,stop talking to me…people will be talking.Stop calling me friend, you’re high am low,we can’t be” I says.
Nkem smiled….
“soo because am part of the royal family now means I shouldn’t talk to people I like” he said….
“sir,you can’t…..”
I didn’t finish my statement, he threw a tiny bag that contain silver coins at me,I catch it with a widened eyes.
“Get yourself good cloths” he said and walked away with his guards.
“hi….Nkem…thank you….my creator will provide for you” I said and wanted to cry, it was as if he knew I lack cloths….
and it’s not as if I don’t have the money, I have save enough money to start a business… Just that Onome is the Lucifer in my life.
“till then…you will have to tell me more stories” he said and left.
I smiled to myself and kept the money….
Adanna was coming,I turned to another direction and ran back to work,I still have to make Ngozi’s hair.
I was just so tired,
finally,it was evening.I kept Onome’s money in her store and moved to old Nana’s store with the money Nkem gave me,hoping to get something sexy for myself……heaven knows I have good shape but Onome always make me wear oversize.
I just pray she won’t tear this one.
Old Nana ushered me in and brought out the best,best sexy wrappers.
I pointed to a simple yellow one that would suite my skin type.
“it’s expensive,would you afford it?”, old Nana asked with a smile.
“yes ma’am” I said and brought out the money Nkem gave was Even much to buy five more.
My eyes caught many fansy bre@$t tubes, have dreamed of wearing all these things….I bought one,just a simple white colored one.
I still have lots of change..I dare not take it home instead I saved it at old Nana’s place.
“won’t you buy waist bead?”, she asked….
“nooo I don’t want to…..he who buys me a waist bead first will be my future husband” I said shyly.
Old Nana laughed.
“you still believe in that myth” she said…. I left for the stream where I would stay till night.
if I should go home now,Onome will use me and my destiny.
Night was approaching and I decided to take a bath when I was sure no one was coming.
I kept the new neat cloths on a stone and took off the dirty one that I am wearing.
I started bathing,I heard voices.
?it’s shining to remind you
?that I love you
?as each new day begins,
?i love you,believe and just letme in
Waooow.I gasped.
That voice,is Lotanna around here…
I looked around,the first thing I did was to cover my bre@$ts.
?Be with me,do not go….
?Believe and let me love you,
I heard again….I hasten my bath and grabbed the new cloths,I wore the white tube,it fitted perfectly but the water dropping down from my body made it wet,it looks so sed.uctive.
I wore my undergarments and grabbed the yellow wrapper,I was tying it while looking around…
I felt no one was coming…
should I sing with him?????
? I will stay with you.
? today, tomorrow,forever
?just believe am pretty,I will let u in.
I added my part,
there was a pause from him,no song, no words….why???
did I cause trouble by interfering in his song???…..
? You said you hope we won’t see and meet each other again after the last stress i caused you?.
? I really want to be your friend and see your pretty face but i guess it is not my destiny…firstly my ugliness, secondly am always causing you trouble….are you really a friend to soneone at all?
? my dear prince,I guess it is a goodbye now,till then?
Ugly Adeife ?
I moved away from the stream as my eyes search around…
I saw him,he was far from the stream.
what’s he doing here all alone?.
a prince!!!!!!
He turned to my direction, I instantly turned back,he didn’t see my ugly face…Just my backside..
He’s lucky I dressed s*xily today.
I remembered I haven’t made Ngozi’s hair, I ran and left that moment.
Lotanna’s p.o.v………
Is it that same person that sang with me at the palace? Akuna right!
why must she appear!!
gosh, I kinda felt frustrated.My eyes already turned red,even purple..
“your highness” ikechukwu rushed to me when I almost turned to see the maiden….
“I’m not a king,so stop calling me highness” I replied and still wanted to turn,I got a call from Maynard…
I picked the call but the network here is terrible,so I texted him instead.
? new stocks are arriving….
The gems rating are at higher stake, am thinking we keep sapphire out of stock for now…..
? remember you have a lot of client waiting for you in Vietnam”
he texts…
? Hope you haven’t forgotten about your oil and gas company? the one at Lekki,I don’t trust that your manager, not even now that your company has more investments? another text from Quann.
? we would talk midnight” I text and turned maybe the person would still be there…..I wanted to clear my doubt if it is Akuna or not.
I turned,it was no one…..
Just no one.
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