BY Rosy Johnson.


“Are you alright? You’re shaking like a jellyfish….”

“Jax, hold me close,” Trista interrupted, her head resting against his solid chest.

She could feel the failing and raising of his heartbeat as she has her head plastered against his chest, it wasn’t like the regular heartbeat everyone knows.

But then again there was something about him, she just couldn’t figure out what it was but the thing was just there.

She didn’t know why she found solace in his embrace and for some weird reasons she was being pulled by something inside him.

She wanted him to hold her tighter and not let go, to feel the warmness of his hands around her body. Everything about him excites her at the moment when she should be afraid… If not probably running for her life.


It was a weird feeling she just couldn’t make out considering she didn’t like him and he did like her either.

Trista lifted her head from his chest and peered Into a dark red eyes.

The guy was a beauty and she could swore he could have any girl he wanted just by staring at them.

Her mind told her to shift away, she slide free from his hold and run far, far away from him but she couldn’t move, not even her feet. She felt trapped in a world different from earth.

Hêll!! She wasn’t on earth cos she could tell that time wasn’t ticking and no guy had ever swept her off her feet with just a glance, things like that doesn’t exist for the humans.

She felt her knees wobble but a strong arms steaded her.

“Did something happen? You’re shaking?” Jax’s voice was deep and rumble, making her blink twice….. She was fûçking on Earth! Where the hêll did she think she went before?

Fûçkêrson!!? Fûçkêry fûçkêrson!!!!

“I will get you out of here,” Jax said, stirring her out of the restaurant.

For some weird reasons or maybe…. Just maybe her brain wasn’t functioning well, she’d forgotten about Ty and everything the dude told her.

It wasn’t like she didn’t remember but how could she possible be scared of this guy? He was hot and all but she just couldn’t explain what she was feeling.

Meanwhile, Jax glanced at her, he knows she was slightly shaking so he tried to cheer her up.

Taking her home just right away won’t do much but have her thinking, though he wasn’t sure what Ty must have feed her with.

“You okay now?” He glanced at her by his side.

“A little,”

“What happened back there?” He asked.

All in one, the things Ty told her came rushing into her mind, it was as though her soul and mind were in a battle, one trying to dominate the other.

A part of her wanted her to run away, far, far away from him…. Not him, a murdêrêr! Yes! That was who he was….

But then again, another part of her wanted to be a good girl, his good girl and stay.

“I…” She gulped, her eyes focusing on the road.

Someone had dîêd in their third house after they moved in two weeks ago and they have to move again.

The dêâd person was a young adult, the young man had followed her home and tried to have his way with her, according to report she’d tried to fought him so he wanted to shut her up and that was the end of her….

He strangled her in the process of whatever they were doing and Trista being miss see all saw the dêâd body being pushed out of the apartment next to them in a stretcher

That thought still terrifies her, coupled with the thought of knowing Jax actually… Like really, seriously really kîllêd someone.

“Some time ago there was a lady called sunnyglow,” Jax began, he didn’t Know what was happening but he just wanted her to be at ease with him.

She glanced at him but said nothing.

They took a corner into the neighborhood.

“She was the daughter of the chief of a well respected kingdom, she was strong and Beautiful.” He glanced at her, licking his lips

“Men from far and near wanted her to be theirs, kings, emperor’s and prince of different kingdoms wanted her but she didn’t accept anyone. Her father needing a successor so he pleaded with her to settle with just one of the honourable men….”

“He made her choose?” Trista found herself asking, forgetting all her worries in that moment.

Jax smiles but it was a quick one.

“She gave them a task….”

“Which is?” She cut in almost immediately.

She was desperate and he didn’t fail to notice that.

“Since she was strong and pretty, the task was for all the men who wants her to climb a high mountain with her leading the way, whoever made it to the top with her will be her husband,” he replied.

Trista glanced up at his face, she was about to Open her mouth when she felt her foot hit a rock and she stumbled forward.

Jax leaped forward, grabbing her arm and pulling her back to him, so hard she nearly lost her breath before her head met his solid chest.

She gasped.

His other hand around her waist with the right one still holding her arm.

Their eyes locked and the staring competition began.

It was as though time stopped yet again and they were the only ones exiting in that moment.

Staring at his red lips she wished she could lean forward and kiss him again, it’d felt So good the last time and she badly, really badly wanted to have him kiss her hard again.

Jax leaned in as if reading her thoughts, just when their lips were about to join a car horned in the distance, breaking them apart.

She shifted slightly from him, her face reddish.

Jax didn’t even act as though something happen so he continued the story.

“Seven men out of all the people asking for her hand in marriage were brave enough to step out. She wasn’t surprised considering she’d know they all wanted her cos of her beauty and they’d just prove it… She didn’t want anyone that is not worthy of her to be her husband so that’s why she set the tasks…”

At the sound of Trista clearing her throat, Jax stopped to look at her.

“Did they climb?”

“Yeah,” he nodded

“The first man wasn’t able to make it so he bounced back, the second was about to make it to a few steps before slipping off, the third man slipped almost the same time with the second man. The sixth man was five feet high when he slipped, knocking the fifth and forth with him…. By the time the princess looked back she was left with three men so she continues climbing…”

“She could climb without falling while all those men are failing?” Trista couldn’t help but asked

“Told you she’s strong, didn’t I?” He glared.

She felt her throat run dry so she licked her lips, Jax simply continued….

“By the time Sunnyglow made it to the top of the mountain, she was left with two men but one of them fell off almost immediately she turned cos he wasn’t able to hang on and the last man standing was just few feet from her…”

“Did he make it? Goodness, why will she even make a man climb a mountain before marrying her? She will just let them fall to their dêâth in th name of getting her? Isn’t that a little too much if not a lot?” She frowned, wondering if this was true or a fairy tail.

“What would you do at this stage if you were her?” He asked instead, thrusting both hands in his trousers pocket.

They took another corner but through out the whole time she wasn’t paying attention to where they was going.

“Well, I would reach out and pull him up, if he can climb after me up to such length I believe he’s worth having me as a wife,” she shrugged.

“That means he lost….”

“That didn’t necessarily matter!” Trista quickly objected as though it was a debate

Gosh Jax Loved it. She was shaking few minutes ago and right now she’s interrogating with him without fîghtîng.

“He went up the mountain, I mean who in their rights sense ask men to climb to their dêâth just before they could have her? Isn’t that too much? He could fall but he hang up… Maybe she has been doing it for some time but with the willingness and how he hung on showed that he’s more than worthy to marry her, don’t tell me she let him fall to his dêâth cos that won’t be much of a love story,” She frowned deeply.

Jax chuckled

“She thought just like you. He didn’t make it to the top but she reached forward and pulled him up, that way her father the chief took that gesture and him as the one she has chosen and declared him his successor,” They stopped in front of her doorstep and Jax knocked gently on the door.

It was then that Trista glanced back at the street then at her doorstep, she’d been too engrossed in their conversation that she didn’t know when they got home.

Wow, just wow…

“So what later happened cos I know this is fiction,” she said glaring at him.

She saw a glimpse of pain and guilt in his eyes but it was only for a brief moment before it faded away, just the way it had appeared.



Ty walked outside but didn’t see Trista anywhere around.

He’d just called the waiter so he could make their payment so where did she go?

He hadn’t taken much time or did he?

He glanced around the park, hoping to see anyone that looks like her but was disappointed when he saw no one.

From a distance, he saw Isaac jogging towards a girl with a sack bag. He seems to have called the girl and she stopped

He looked so happy.

Ty contemplated, if Isaac was here that means Jax was somewhere around…. Waiting a minute, wait a minute!! Did Jax couldn’t have left with Trista or did he?

There only one way to find out and if he did, Jax is as good as dêâd!

“Isaac,” he called, rushing towards them.

Ruby and Isaac turned at the same time only to see Ty almost close to them.

Isaac shook his head as if getting why he was being called and he certainly did.

If Ty know that Jax went home with the girl then it won’t be good.

“Where is she?” Ty demanded, his tone firm and strong.

“Alpha I….” Ty grasped his collar, pulling him closer so he could look him in the eyes.

He didn’t give a shît if Isaac was important to the fûçking pack but if he doesn’t start speaking he was gonna eat him rough.

“Does he have her?” Ty roared, his grip tightening on Isaac collar.

Ruby glanced from Ty terrified.

“Let him go!” She shouted, glaring at Ty.

She might have known the dude as a well respected person in school but that doesn’t mean he should go around bulling people.

“Not until he gives me what I want,” Ty fired back enraged.

Isaac wasn’t gonna say shît and he knows but he was ready to strangle the word out from the bloody puppet mouth.

“Isaac tell him!” Ruby shouted fearfully.

“I dunno….”

“Liar! Where did Trista Jacob go?!” Ty’s voice rose, his eyes menacing.

It was easy to know her name considering she went viral on her first day.

If Ruby wasn’t mistaken, this guy was trying to take Isaac life and the fool wasn’t even fîghtîng back or anything.

She didn’t want him to dîè, at least not in front of her.

“For the last time where is Trista Jacob?!”

“I saw her left with Jax, the fûck-boy!!” Ruby quickly shouted as though the question was meant for her.

Ty released his hold on Isaac, rushing to his car then zoomed off in high speed, only one thought In his mind.

Isaac touched his neck, clearing his throat.

“You shouldn’t have told him,” he coughed and adjusted his tie.

Ruby snorts unbelievably.

“Are you kidding me?”

“No, you shouldn’t have…”

“He was fûçking strangling you!!!”

“I know and I said you shouldn’t have said a word, I Know why I kept mute!” he suddenly yelled, his voice higher than he’d anticipated.

Ruby didn’t believe it, she’d save his life and he was yelling at her.

“Unbelievable,” she stormed off.

Isaac roughed his hair, he wasn’t the type to yell at people but she just shouldn’t have said that.

Now should he go after her or after Jax cos he’s damn sure it will get dirty..

Meanwhile, Jade has been watching the whole time, she came out from her hiding place, walking towards him.

Isaac was still standing there and she was so happy, he’s finally gonna notice her.

“Hey, Isaac….” He completely ignored her as though she wasn’t even there.

Jade’s heart broke …..



Diana opened the door. The. Raised her brows

“Oh, it’s the boy we hâte, come on in… Will make some coffee for evening chat and thank you for bringing her home,” she opened the door wider, smiling at them.

Trista wanted her mother to look at her but the woman was nice to Jax, why will her mother be nice to someone she clearly told her she hâtêd…. But then again did she really hâte Jax? Or she was just upset?

She watch as Jax settled down while her mother went to the kitchen to fix him something.

the woman most be kidding her…

She walked over to her Mom.

“What are you doing? Don’t tell me you’re entertaining the boy I hâte?”

“Oh, sweetie, what could be so bad? After all he’s the boy we hâte and you went out with him….”

“I didn’t go out with him,” Trista turned off the gas cooker, her mother wasn’t getting it, was she?

Diana seem confused cos she narrowed her gaze at her.

“Wasn’t him?”


“Then who?” She nearly screamed but Trista covered her mouth, quickly glancing at the door.

“Someone else, just leave the coffee alone and go out there then send him away just the way you invite him in,” She ordered like a boss.

Diana glanced at her from head to toe then nodded.

“I can do that,” she walked off.

Three minutes passed and Trista could swear she didn’t know why she wanted her mother to send Jax away, maybe cos she didn’t want her mother to get attached with him and forget about their plans of getting laid.

The woman was so easy with her friends but hard at getting one single man. Not like she had many friends in the past…. they were always moving around the city so it’s hard to keep a friend.

Not that her mother had romantic interest in any of her friends but she didn’t want her to get attached.

She decided to go out and check if Jax was gone but to her surprise her mother was telling Jax everything about her like and they both looked so happy.

Fûçk! Fûçkêry!! Fûçkêrson!!!

God hâtêd Trista Jacob and the evidence was right there in the living room, telling the boy she hâtêd everything about her.

“Mom!!!” She screamed, rushing over to take her dairy but Diana quickly covered it.

“Oops, she’s here…. Before I go, she don’t like sports, did I mention that? She loves spaghetti a lot like a thîêf, she once failed to perform her barley cos she didn’t eat spaghetti….”

Trista got to her and covered her mouth, Jax grimiest, unable to help himself As he Watched the mother, daughter act. It was entertaining.

“She doesn’t….. Let me speak, just this one,” Diana struggled against her daughters hold.

not that Trista was stronger but, Hello… Who’s happier than a mother who’s child never befriend anyone and all of a sudden she brought home a hot teenag boy?

“Fine, I will keep my mouth to myself,” Diana gave up after she got to the kitchen door with Trista.

“You’re embarrassing me….”

Diana raised both hands in surrounder.

“I won’t say a word,” she zip her mouth.

“You better not,” Trista began walking away, she haven’t made it to the living room when she hard….

“She easily catch the flu and she’s too shy when you look her in the eyes for a long time….”

“Diana Christopher!!!!” Trista screamed in frustration.

Her mother laughed triumphantly.

It wasn’t her fault her daughter brought home a hottie, yeah, yeah, she was expected to scold them and forbid them but she wasn’t that mom, Okay?

Her daughter was 18 and she trust Trista to tell her everything, they don’t hide things from each other, her daughter had talked about a werewolf changing right in front of her eyes but she still didn’t want to give a thought to that, at least not now.

Giving it a thought means moving to a new city…


Outside the door stood Jax with Trista on their porch.

“I’m sorry about my mom, she’s a bit dramatic,” she apologize sincerely.

Jax saw no reason for that, infact he found the woman fascinating. If he’d thought convincing this girl that she was his mate was hard then he was lying to himself.

Her mother will make things so easy for him. He thought silently

“Does she know you’re an animal?” His subconscious mind asked at the back of his mind.

Jax ignored it.

“I guess we will continue our story next time,” he said more like a question and she nodded.

“Before I forget, why are you Jacob and she’s Christopher?” He asked, he was curious.

Trista had said the woman was her mother so why did they have different last names? It’s a bit weird Right? It didn’t add up.

Trista simply smiled but did answer.

“See you tomorrow,” she Wave goodbye and he did the same.

Jax waited until he hard the door click shut before down the street with the though if shifting any moment and racing to his car.

He was at the end of the street when he noticed a car light shining right at his face, he shifted to the side, waiting for the drive to sped past

To his surprise the car stopped and Ty alighted from it even before the car could completely come to a stop.

“Son of a côçk sucker!!” Ty spats, sending a devastating punch at his face, his fist connecting with Jax’s jaw.

“Fûçk!!” Jax staggered but another punch came on his tummy, harder than the first one, then another and another, forcing him to his knees.

“She’s so back off!! Didn’t they tell you to stay away from things that aren’t yours?!” Ty punch his face this time.

Jax caught his fist, the dude had crossed his limit by claiming his mate, Trista Jacob was he’s to claim and nobody is allowed near her.

“She’s mine!” Jax howled, his inner bêâst coming full front and challenge the Alpha man to man.

Rage rushed into Ty in a wash of hit heat, in a quest of desperation, the urge to kîll Jax and end all this one and for all

Ty leaped forward, shifting into a big werewolf in mid-air, Jax on the other hand wasn’t fûçking around cos he lunged at his Alpha even though he knew the consequences

No one was gonna take his woman.

“She’s mine,” Ty howled, pulling fangs and claws, his eyes menacing with dread and pure hätred.

“NO! SHE’S MINE!!” Jax roared

The two huge beast collide and almost immediately….


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