By Gbemi Writes
Chapter 6
Marie wanted to get out of his arms but he tightened his arms around her instead.
“I didn’t get to hear a thank you last time, I want to hear you say it now” he told her and she forced her lips to say the words he wanted to hear.
For a while she thought he was going to kss her but he let her down while she put a distance between them.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be kssing you now cause I know you might just nod my head like you did last night” He said while touching his forehead.
“You deserve it” she replied as she went back to her cooking.
“Does wanting to kss my fiancee deserves me getting a head nod?” He asked as he helped her take the oil.
“A fiancee who didn’t want you kssing her, you should have stopped when you had the chance” she told him.
“Fine then, I will give you a heads up later on” he replied with a smile on his face.
“There won’t be a next time” she told him slowly.
“We shall see” he replied with a determined look on his face.
“You surprise me. Just yesterday you made it clear that you weren’t domestic enough to be in the kitchen and now here you are cooking something up” he told her sniffing at what she managed to cook up.
Marie had totally forgotten the things she told him last night, there was no way she could turn around the whole thing but she would be talking to him later on and she hope it goes well.
“You’ve been spending lavishly too. Let’s say you’ve spent about five million dollars today” he told her and immediately she stopped what she was doing to stare at him.
“Did I really spend that much?” She asked horrified at the money she spent only on clothes.
“You did and you look h®rrified for someone who spends lavishly. You should be used to it by now except you also lied about that” he said guessing another lie of hers.
“Of course I do spend lavishly and you should help me instead of questioning me” she told him as he came round the counter to take the plates from her.
“And this is a welcoming gift from me” he said as he bent to give her a swift kss on the lips while he went to arrange the plates.
Marie was quite taken aback by his kss but she controlled her emotions and went to join him at the table.
“Do you know that you are the first girl apart from my mom to cook and buy me clothe. I chose right, your the perfect wife material, Develene” he said calling her by her fake name for the first time.
She chose to ignore him as she ate and it wasn’t until they were done eating and were seated on his sofa that she brought up the subject.
“I can’t get married to you”she said suddenly and he sighed out before starring at her.
“First of all I hate the way you and my dad did everything without consulting me about it and besides I have someone I love” she said talking about Develene boyfriend. At least she wasn’t lying on that part.
“I love my boyfriend dearly and the only reason why I came here is to tell you to stop. I don’t see myself married to you now or ever. I trust you to be a gentle man and cancel the whole thing” she said getting up to take her bag.
“I don’t think that will be possible” he said and she turned to stare at him.
“I chose you because you are fit to be my wife and I don’t think I will be changing my mind on that not even your dad will be changing his mind” he said.
“What do you mean? Why won’t my dad change his mind?”she asked.
“I suggest you ask him yourself. You are on your way home right? Ask him why he accept my proposal of marriage without consulting you about it” he told her.
“I sure will do that” she replied hotly as she began to walk out of his room only for him to pull her back.
“Let’s get one thing straight Develene. I agreed to marry you and save you and your parents from a catastrophe. So think of me as your saviour rather than a threat ” he told her as she pulled out of his arms.
“Once I get to hear my parents part then I will let you know what I think about” she told him as she walked out of his pent house.
As soon as she got back home, she went to confront Develene parents who told her the truth.
Turns out Develene father had made some investment worth millions only for it to turn out to be a loss and looking for ways to pay back other investors he had pulled in, he asked for help from Romeo who gave it to him.
And whena it was time for him to pay up, he couldn’t do it. It was one of Romeo visit to the house that he noticed a picture of Develene which got him asking for her instead of the money.
Having no choice and knowing that it’s the only way to get him self out of jail, he decided to give his child out.
Marie called Develene and told her about the whole thing.
“I think it’s time you come home. They really need you” Marie told her on the phone.
“I didn’t know they were going through something like this. Your right, it’s time I come back” Develene replied.
“What will you say to James mom?” Marie asked.
“I will just tell her something urgent came up. You don’t have to worry about that ” Develene assured her even as they ended the call.
Marie sighed in content knowing she tried her best in helping her friend, she would be returning home soon. She thought as she doze off.
Marie got downstairs only to see Romeo seated in the sitting room obviously waiting for her.
“What are you doing here?” She asked.
“We’ve got to talk” he told her as he took hold of her hand steering her to the door but she pulled away.
“I thought I made myself clear to you yesterday” she said.
“You did but I haven’t made myself clear to you yet and don’t worry I already ask for permission from your parents. Now let’s go” he said pulling her towards his car and a while later, Marie sat in a restaurant glaring at him while he looked composed like he didn’t have a worry in the world.
“Why are you doing this? You clearly don’t love me” she told him as she ignored the menu the waiter brought.
“You are right, I don’t love you but I find you desirable and to top things up, you are a great cook. Have always wanted my wife to be a great cook”
“Am not going to marry you”
“Even with what you heard from your parents yesterday? I suggest you think again” he told her.
“Are you that heartless as to make them pay if I don’t marry you?” She asked and he nodded.
“Am a business man and I must get back what I invested in your father and that will be through you” he told her.
Marie wanted to tell him the whole truth then and there but a man coming to the table and taking up his attention prevented her from doing so.
Excusing herself to use the rest room, she left the table and was about asking a waitress for direction when she rammed into someone.
“Develene!” The man whom she recognised as James, Develene current boyfriend and the man Develene had claimed to love and wanted to spend some time with stood in front of her.
“Am not Develene but Marie. You remember me right?” Marie asked and he nodded.
“Of course I do. You and Develene have the same striking features” James replied cooly and she smiled.
“But what are you doing here and why isn’t Develene with you” Marie asked.
“Develene? Why on earth will she be with me?” James asked.
“But she told me that she will be staying with you at your mother house just so your mother will get to accept her ” Marie said and James burst out laughing.
“Is that meant to be a joke?” James asked.
“It isn’t. Develene told me some days back that she fell for you and that your mother wouldn’t approve of her as your wife and so she was going to stay at your house for a while so she can get to……”
“Now hold on a sec…..I don’t know what Develene have been telling you but I can assure you that it’s all a lie. I left Texas a week ago and whatever thing I had going with Dev ended then and my mother may her soul rest in peace is dead. So Marie whatever Develene told you about the both of us is a lie. I didnt intend to marry her just as she didn’t intend to marry me” James told her and it was then Marie knew that Develene had lied to her.
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