By Gbemi Writes
Chapter 20
Marie set off to their production company which was just in the next town but due to the heavy traffic she got there a bit late.
When she got to the production company, she was told that they were closed for the day and that she should come back tomorrow and not wanting to have to drive back only to come back again the next day got her looking for a hotel to stay in.
Due to the town being a small one there were only three hotel there, the first and second one she went to because she found rather cheap was all booked leaving her to the last hotel whose exterior itself told her that it would be expensive.
She was making enquiry about the cheapest room when she got a call from Charles and while she was explaining to him she didn’t notice the woman approaching her a distance away until her hair was pulled.
“You sIvt! You thief! How dare you come here with my boyfriend to cheat on me” the lady yelled as she pulled Marie hair.
By now her phone had fallen on the floor and she was clutching at the woman hand until she managed to free herself.
“What boyfriend are you talking about? This is my first time here and I don’t know you!” Marie said as people were now starring at them.
“I knew you were going to deny it and that’s why am willing to beat the truth out of you” the lady said pulling up the arm of her clothe.
“You’ve got it wrong miss, am not your boyfriend…..” Marie stopped when the lady moved to her wanting to sI.ap her but the sI.ap never got to her.
“And who the h’ll are you?” The lady asked suddenly and that got Marie opening her eyes only to see Romeo standing in front of her.
“Who are you and why are you interfering?” The lady asked again as three of the employees ran towards them.
“Are you okay sir?” The male in uniform asked Romeo who had received the sI.ap meant for Marie.
“Am fine” Romeo replied as he put his concentration on the lady again.
“She’s asking for my identity and it’s only right that I tell her” Romeo replied as he took out his card to give her.
On seeing the name written on it, the lady stared at him in shock before regaining her composure.
“Am sorry for htting you but it was meant for that slut. She’s been having an affair with my boyfriend” the lady said.
“The slut as you put it is my wife” Romeo said startling Marie who stood behind him.
She watched as everyone stared at him while wondering when he got married. Did he forget that their marriage is a secret to everyone? She thought starring at him too.
She was surprised when he took hold of her hand and pulled her to his side.
“She came here to see me because I called for her so when exactly did you see her with this boyfriend of yours?” He asked the lady who was now feeling embarrassed due to her mistake.
“Am sorry” the lady muttered.
“You shouldn’t be apologising to me but to her” Romeo said and the lady quickly apologised to Marie before scurrying off.
Marie felt a bit strange at having him defend her and to top it all, she noticed that he was wearing their wedding ring.
“Are you okay?” He asked, his gaze on her.
“Am okay” she replied still feeling conscious about having her hand in his.
“Sir your suite is ready” one of the employees said as he walk up to them.
“We are sorry for not recognising you earlier. You should have only tell us that you are Mr Brooks wife and we would have provided you with a good room. We are really sorry ma’am” The employee apologised.
“It’s okay. My wife and I will use the suite instead” Romeo said and immediately Marie gaze went to him.
“We will get everything ready for you both” the employee said as he walked off.
“Why am I using a suite with you?” She asked.
“They will find it weird if we use a different room, come along you look like you need a lot of rest” Romeo told her as he pulled her towards the elevator.
“Why are you here?” He asked as the elevator took them up.
She told the reason for her being there and fought down the urge to ask him why he was putting on the wedding ring again.
Your secretary told me earlier that you went on a trip, why are you here?” She asked.
“I went on a business trip and came here since there was a delay in a package production, I wanted to know what was the cause” he explained as he walk into the room with her following.
“This is nice” she commented as she walk into the room.
“I had it built along with the production company” he told her while she nodded still looking around.
” No wonder the employees were all over you” she commented as she now look his way.
“Why did you tell them that we are married? You could have just find something else to say instead of telling them about our marriage” she said.
“It is the simplest method I could think of” he replied starring at her in a strange way she couldn’t fathom.
“Have you been working on our divorce?” She asked looking away not knowing why his stare unnerve her.
“I have but it won’t be easy” he replied.
“Just do your best. Getting a divorce is important” she said starring out through the big window.
“Why this sudden decision on wanting a divorce? Is there someone you love?” He asked and immediately she turned to him.
“There is no one! ” She replied quickly and it was a surprise for her to see him smile.
“Am glad” he muttered but she heard and wondered why he said that.
“We have a issue and it’s much more bigger than the divorce right now ” he said suddenly and she stared at him.
“And what’s that?” She asked.
“The suite only has one bed room. What do we do? I can’t find another hotel cause it’s all booked am sure you know that cause you must have checked them out” he said and she nodded.
“And this hotel is also booked too which brings us to my suite. Am too big to sleep on a couch and am sure you won’t like to sleep on a couch too…..”
“And what solution will you give to something like this?” She asked knowing what will come next.
“We will just have to share the bed and I can promise you that I will keep my hands to myself” he said smiling at her but from the look she saw on his face, she knew that he wouldn’t stick to his promise.
NOTE: Searching for any story? Just go to google browser or any search engine, then type the title of the story with ‘thingscouplesdo’ for example. (Farida episode 1 thingscouplesdo).
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