By Gbemi Writes
Chapter 14
For a while Marie was lost starring at him but she looked away quickly and also move away.
“You have nothing to say to that?” He asked as he handed the catalogue back to the hovering attendant having marked the clothes he wanted for her.
“I will rather reserve my comment” she said hiding her feelings even as she got out of her seat to follow the attendant.
Romeo was going through the other catalogue when he noticed that Marie was taking long.
He got out of his seat and found two attendant standing by the door way still holding the clothes he picked in their hands.
“What’s going on?” He asked.
“It’s just that while she was about changing, she saw a dress and decided to try that on instead of the one you chose for her, she’s been in the changing room for a while now and she isn’t out yet” one of the attendant told him.
“Give them to me” he said taking the clothes from the attendant and he went into the room not bothering to think that Marie might be nked.
Luckily she wasn’t, she was dressed in a white gown which clung to her curves, curves he hardly noticed until today, well except for their first date, he hasn’t seen her dressed in something this good.
She was starring at the mirror with her back still turned to him and she hadn’t finished buttoning up the gown at the back which left her bare back exposed to him.
Romeo found himself starring, he suddenly felt the urge of going to her, of touching and caressing her while he kssed her neck.
Her gasp at having seen him jolt him out of the illicit thoughts he was having.
“What are you doing here?” She asked as she held the dress to herself.
“I heard you weren’t wearing what I chose for you and so I decided to know why” he replied.
“I just wanted to try this gown out, I was going to try them out and you have no right to be here…..leave before I scream for help” she told him.
“What do you mean by I have no right? Am your husband after all” he said as he move towards her , turning her around while he help button her gown.
“What are you doing?” She asked trying to move out of his arms but he only pulled her back which got her very close to him.
“Stay still and let me button this up” he told her.
“You can just let one of the attendant in and……are you crazy?” She yelled out when he suddenly wrap his arms around her and pulled her into his arms.
“Let me go” she demanded trying to pull free only for him to pull her closer.
“You said something yesterday” he began gently.
“What?”She asked feeling threatened by his proximity.
“That you intend on telling my mom the reality of our relationship.
Do you still plan on doing that?” He asked gently kissing her on the neck which got Marie gasping.
“I….I ….don’t intend to do that, I was just bluffing” she said in reply.
“Really? Then I hope you stick to your words and pretend to be the most loving wife ever” he added while she nodded her head in return.
“Promise to behave?” He added and she nodded quickly just so he would let her go which he did.
Marie was trying to hide her nervousness when he began laughing behind her.
“Take it easy, I won’t bite you and just so you know you don’t interest me in the least bit” he said.
“Because am not Develene?” She asked hotly feeling embarrassed.
“Because you aren’t Develene and because you leave nothing to be desired. A woman who lies just to save her friend has nothing to be desired.
So be rest assured that I will never look your way, wear that dress it suits you more” he added as he left the room.
Marie went to seat on the chair in the room not from shock of his proximity but of the things he said.
Somehow she knew he was serious with his words and why she felt hurt by it, she didn’t know.
They got to his mother and immediately he was all charm. Due to his acting skills, he made his mom believe that their relationship is the best.
He always had his arms around her and he even kssed her a multiple of times on the cheek, she knew he was doing it only for his mother benefit but the look the woman gave her clearly told her that she didn’t buy it at all.
It wasn’t until Romeo left them to call his secretary that she pulled her close.
“I know my son and I know when he tries to hide something from me and right now I can tell that something is wrong with you two. Feel free to tell me” his mother urged her.
“I….” If she told her the truth then Marie could get out of this marriage without any harm and that is the one thing she wanted most, she thought starring at Romeo mom.
On the other hand Romeo stood at the door way, hidden by the wall while he waited for Marie response.
If she spoke up now then she would be free of their marriage and somehow he knew that she was going to do just that and that made his palm sweaty.
He had been lying earlier when he told her that he had no interest in her whatsoever. Having her close to him only fuelled his desire for wanting her.
He had desired her in the past when he thought her to be Develene and even when he knew her to be who she is, he still desire her.
It’s for the best if she just speak up and get the freedom she wants because if she leave it up to him, he wouldn’t let her go.
The thought came to him and he found himself pondering over it when he heard her say.
“I love Romeo and he loves me. I married him for a reason and that’s because of the love we feel for each other.
You have nothing to worry about cause Romeo and I are happily married”
“Really? Hope you aren’t lying to me” he heard his mother ask.
“Am not” she replied.
So she made her decision, then he will also stick to his, he thought as he went into the room.
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